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Український центр політичного менеджменту - > About Center

Сьогодні: Середа, 16 вересня 
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    About Center    

The Ukrainian Centre of Political Management was established in 1998

The target of the Centre’s activities is the development and realisation of research and applied projects and complex programmes in the field of political management.

The main charter tasks of the Ukrainian Centre of Political Management are to increase the level of political culture, to facilitate practical realisation of national, regional and local programmes aimed at the improvement of the social and economic situation; to render assistance in developing the information infrastructure.

To promote the development of political management in Ukraine the Centre has set up periodicals – the journals „Political Management” (“Politychnyi Menedzhment”) (a special edition on political and sociological sciences) and „Social Psychology”(“Sotsial’na psykholohiia” (a specialised edition on psychological and sociological sciences).

The Centre is also a co-founder of the journal "The Individual and Politics" (a specialised edition on political  and philosophical sciences).

The Centre is engaged in publishing activities; disseminates scientific, informational and analytical literature.

The Ukrainian Centre of Political Management

Contributes to:
- the increase in the political culture level, 
- the development of the informational infrastructure,
- the implementation of social technologies.

Works out and realises:
- research projects, 
- cultural and educational programmes.

- sociological,
- social and psychological studies.

Edits and publishes:
- scientific journals „Political Management” and „Social Psychology”,
- reference, scientific and academic books.

Organises and carries out:
- scientific and practical conferences,
- workshops, meetings, panel discussions,
- public hearings.

The Ukrainian Centre of Political Management is a collective member of the  Sociological Association of Ukraine,  a co-founder of the All-Ukrainian Sociological Service.

The Centre invites for cooperation political scientists, sociologists, psychologists, journalists, those interested in political management problems.

The Centre is headed by Yurii Shaihorods’kyi, Ph.D. in Psychology

Address: Ukrainian Centre of Political Management, PO box 2, Kyiv-61, 03061, Ukraine
Phone/fax: (044) 457-92-15

The Ukrainian Centre of Political Management as a charity non-profit organisation attracts funds for realising research, academic as well as cultural and educational programmes:
Account #2600600001555 at the joint-stock commercial bank "Pravex-Bank" MFO 321983 ZKPO 21704509

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