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The medical service (MS) -=SRW=-
Ñhief of serviceAlexej M. YEGOROV
phones:(057)724-48-27, 724-43-02 faxes:(057)724-48-41
The deputy chief of serviceViktor G. PANCHENKO

The medical service of the Southern railway carries out the control on granting medical service to the attached population of treatment-and-prophylactic establishments of the railway.

Medical institutions of departmental medicine give the out-patient - polyclinic help capacity 6275 visitors to doctors for one shift from above to 30 specialities. Bed fund of the railway amount of 1430 beds with 23 structures. One of the major specialized directions of granting of medical service is endoscopic surgery and gynecology, artroscopic surgery, new methods of treatment of a diabetes and diseases of a thyroid gland, treatment of purulent - septic diseases with use of modern equipment, treatment of urological diseases by modern device "Termex" (Israel) - in surgical hospital Road Clinical Hospital (RCH) of an Kharkov station.

On the basis of the road Centre of gravitational surgery of blood in therapeutic hospital RCH of Kharkov station the acquired method plasmoferez and cryoferez for treatment of patients cryoglobulinemia and with infringements of a metabolism. The entered monitoring - the control and three-stage therapy of a bronchial asthma at children of different century in pediatric branch RCH of Kharkov station, the acquired method of transplantation cryoplacenta at treatment of threat interruption of pregnancy and immune conflict in patrimonial branch RCH of Kharkov station. The entered new methods and techniques of treatment and inspection of patients in view of the National Program of Ukraine on struggle against illnesses which are transferred by sexual way, method - pulse of therapy of chronic mycosises in dermatological branch of polyclinic RCH of Kharkov station.

The history of creation and becoming of medical service by the Southern railway concerns to 1900-1910 years. Already in 1901 medical service on unit of Romodan station it was carried out by a medical site. With 1910 on Osnova station function hospital on 50 beds. On the Poltava unit the medical aid station worked at railway workshops. On Izyum staton in 1915 was organized at repair shops a health center. With 1922 in Kharkov the first central hospital on 100 beds begins to function. The basic development of the specialized medical service begins with 1930 when female and children's consultations have opened, x-ray and therapeutic studies. Year activity of treatment-and-prophylactic establishments was directed to the subsequent on preventive maintenance of desease, improvement of health services of railwaymen on lines, strengthening of material base.

For today medical service is given serving population such medical institutions:

  • Road clinical hospital No. 1;
  • Local hospitals -3;
  • Central hospitals - 5;
  • Linear polyclinics - 5;
  • Road station of blood transfusion - 1;
  • Medical school - 1.
Postal address:61052, Ukraine, Kharkiv, Krasnoarmeyskaya str.7
Phones:(057)724-43-02, 724-48-41
Faxes:(057)724-43-02, 724-48-41
a/c:2600600638 Bank "Express"

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