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Konnov & Sozanovsky - Media-Centre

Konnov & Sozanovsky — Moving Forward

Konnov & Sozanovsky publishes legal news via the Internet on a regular basis. To read previous newsletters, visit the Newsletters column at our web-site. The firm’s lawyers are co-authors of numerous foreign publications and are experienced legal authors and commentators on various legal and business events which are published in the leading mass-media. To read the lawyer's articles, visit the Articels and Speeches column. The Special Issues column will introduce you to the activity of all Konnov & Sozanovsky's offices. Should you have any questions concerning information about Konnov & Sozanovsky or other questions (for mass-media representatives etc.), please feel free to contact Business Development Department at our Kiev office by email to: or tel. +380 (0)44 490-5400.


Konnov & Sozanovsky has successfully represented its client in the proceedings at the International Commercial Arbitration Court attached to the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Ukraine against a German entrepreneur



Konnov & Sozanovsky successfully represented Tupperware LLC in the proceedings at International Commercial Arbitration Court attached to the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Ukraine



Lawyers of Konnov & Sozanovsky acted as authors to Ukrainian chapter of Global Tax Guide



VAT wars



Amortization of land plot: procedure and registration



Exchange of information between tax authorities of Ukraine and other countries



Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards in Ukraine, Special Issue, March 2008



Nothern Iraq, Special Issue, April-May 2007



Cyprus, Special Issue, March 2007
