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г. Киев,
ул. Глубочицкая, 17
Тел.: (044) 230-80-80
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ул. Жуковского, 21а
Тел.: (056) 374-06-06
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г. Хмельницкий,
ул. Ивана Франко, 55
Тел.: (0382) 70-01-06
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г. Черкассы,
ул. Чайковского, 49/1
Тел.: (0472) 71-25-00

г. Запорожье,
ул. Сталеваров, 15
Тел.: (061) 218-76-56

Welcome to Noviy Zir — New Vision clinic!

Noviy Zir Clinics is the largest independent group of eye clinics in Ukraine with centers in Kiev, Dnepropetrovsk, Cherkassy and Khmelnitsky. Our clinics have performed more than 10.000 LASIK procedures and more than 40.000 other intraocular surgeries since our opening in 2004. Noviy Zir is one of the most successful institutes in Ukraine for eye laser surgery to correct refractive error and employs surgeons who have a vast experience in the area of LASIK surgery, LASEK and intraocular lenses.

Our first priority is to provide you with the highest possible safety via thorough preliminary examinations and consultation before the planned eye surgery for improving your visual acuity. Average price for preliminary examinations and consultation is about $70. 

Which Surgery Technique For You?

An overview of different surgical techniques for treatment refractive errors (short-sightedness, long-sightedness and astigmatism).

Laser corrective surgery

Procedure Short-sightedness Long-sightedness Astigmatism
LASIK up to around -8 dpt up to around +4 dpt up to around 4 dpt
LASEK up to around -8 dpt up to around +4 dpt up to 3 dpt

 Other corrective surgical techniques

Procedure Short-sightedness Long-sightedness Astigmatism
Phakic IOL Artizan, Artiflex from -10 dpt from +5 dpt up to around 6-7 dpt
RLE or CLE 2 from -10 dpt from +8 dpt up to around 4 dpt
Bioptics 3 from -11 dpt from +5 dpt from +5 dpt
Multifocallens 4 for Presbyopia    

1 Patient younger than 40–45 years.
2 Patient more than 40–45 years.
3 Combination of microsurgical and laser surgery.
4 Refractive lens exchange: patients > 50 years.

LASIK (Laser in situ Keratomileusis)

LASIK has been performed since 1991. In LASIK, a mechanically driven microkeratome cuts a thin flap in the cornea which is then opened up like the cover of a book. Then the deeper layers of the cornea are reshaped by the laser. In the case of shortsightedness, the central cornea is flattened whereas in longsightedness, the periphery is treated to create a steeper central cornea. Subsequently the flap is then replaced. The flap remains in place through capillary action and protects the treated area of the cornea. As a result, patients experience generally no pain after the procedure (cost of LASIK is about $500–900 for one eye depending on conventional, aspherical ore wavefront ablation technique). 

Photorefractive Keratectomy (PRK)
Laser Epithelial Keratomileusis (LASEK)

Photorefractive Keratectomy has been used since 1986 for the correction of nearsightedness. The disadvantages of PRK consist of the slow postsurgical healing process and the sometimes very noticeable postsurgical pain. The LASEK method has been developed from the PRK procedure, where structures of the corneal surface are ablated. With the LASEK, the corneal epithelium (the outer corneal surface of the eye) is separated with alcohol and rolled back, then the PRK procedure is performed, afterwards the epithelium is rolled back and covered with a therapeutic contact lens. There are less postoperative patient complaints — pain, vision fluctuations — than compared to the older PRK method, in which the corneal epithelium had been removed. If it is necessary to perform a PRK procedure today, it is done with the LASEK method (cost of LASEK is about $500–900 for one eye depending on conventional, aspherical ore wavefront ablation technique).

Phakic IOL Artizan, Artiflex.

The Phacis IOL (Artizan, Artiflex) is an extra lens, similar to a contact lens. The difference is that the Phacis IOL is placed inside your eye, rather than on the surface of your eye. The lens does not replace your natural lens. The Phacis IOL (Artizan, Artiflex) is specially shaped to correct nearsightedness and farsightedness. The Toric Artizan also corrects astigmatism. The lens works by changing the way light is focused on the retina. Cost of Phacis IOL implantation is about $1300–1700 for one eye depending on type of lens.

Refractive lens exchange (RLE) or Clear Lense Exchange (CLE).

This refractive surgery procedure involves the replacement of the patients own clear intaocular lens with a lens implant. This is the same as cataract surgery (exchange of an opaque intraocular lens), and is indicated as the treatment of choice should the already discussed forms of refractive surgery not be applicable. This is in cases of very high refractive errors such as shortsightedness over -20 and longsightedness over +8 Dioptres. The CLE operation is primarily carried out under local anaesthesia and has a duration of around a 15–20 minutes. Cost of RLE or CLE is about $1900–2500 for one eye depending on type of IOL.

Multifocal Lens. Correcting Presbyopia (Age-related loss of near focus).

Age related loss of clear focus up close is the main cause for wearing glasses in the general population and starts to be troublesome in everyone over the age of 45 years of age. Many people find that using a pair of reading glasses unsatisfying and limiting. They are often uncomfortable to wear, result in a distortion of the reading material, and are often misplaced or lost. With the Multifocal lens one has a modern artificial lens implant that enables one to be independent of spectacles.

The most typical patient to receive this lens implant is someone who is short- or long-sighted and has additionally an age-related loss of their near focus. However, those who naturally see clearly in the distance but want to get rid of their reading glasses (Presbyopia) can also choose to have this treatment. Lens exchange surgery is a treatment that has been carried out since the 1960’s in the form of cataract surgery and is a very well established and safe eye operation. Cost of Multifocal Lens implantation is about $1900–2500 for one eye depending on type of IOL.

Cataract Surgery

The cataract is a clouding of the eye’s natural lens which mostly develops as a result of advancing age. This is the most commonly occurring eye disease worldwide and can be surgically treated. The treatment follows two Steps. Firstly the eye is anaesthetized using eye drops and the bodies’ natural lens is removed (Phacoemulsification), then an artificial lens made out of plastic (acrylate) is implanted in it’s place. You need to spend 4 days in clinic for surgery and postoperative follow up. Cost of cataract surgery is about $500–2500 for one eye depending on type of IOL.

Keratoconus (cone shaped cornea)

Keratoconus is a common bilateral corneal condition, occurring in more than 1 in 1000 people. The condition typically starts in adolescence and early adulthood. Keratoconus is a disease with an uncertain cause, and its progression following diagnosis is unpredictable. If afflicting both eyes, the deterioration in vision can affect the patient's ability to drive a car or read normal print. Further progression of the disease may lead to a need for surgery. A new permanent non surgical treatment: corneal collagen crosslinking with riboflavin (CXL). It is estimated that eventually 21% of the keratoconus patients require surgical intervention to restore corneal anatomy and eyesight. A new non surgical, non invasive treatment, based on collagen cross linking with Ultraviolet A (UVA, 365nm) and riboflavin (Vitamin B 2), a photosensitizing agent is now available. This changes the intrinsic biomechanical properties of the cornea, increasing its strength by almost 300%. This increase in corneal strength has shown to arrest the progression of keratoconus in numerous studies all over the world. Cost of CXL procedure is about $760 for one eye.

Retinal diseases vary widely — some are common and easily remedied, while others are rare, more difficult to diagnose and require more complex treatment. Noviy Zir Clinics ophthalmologists are skilled in differentiating the diseases, and then designing a treatment plan that slows or stops the disease and preserves as much vision as possible.

Specialists at Noviy Zir treat between 4,500 and 5,000 patients for retinal disease each year. Information on treatment of a few common retinal diseases and conditions are listed below.

  • Diabetic retinopathy. A medical term for damage to the tiny blood vessels that nourish the retina, and the complications diabetes causes.
  • Epiretinal membrane. Also known as macular pucker, epiretinal membrane is scar tissue-like membrane that grows on the macula and causes vision problems.
  • Macular hole. The macula is the retinal tissue at the center of the retina responsible for central vision.
  • Age-related macular degeneration.
  • Retinal detachment. A serious eye disease that requires prompt treatment.

The diagnosis of a retinal disease is usually made based on a thorough eye exam by an ophthalmologist. Additional tests may be done to determine the location and extent of the disease. Cost of additional tests is about $250–350.

Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT)

Similar in principle to ultrasonography, OCT relies on light waves slicing through tissue layers in the back of the eye. They produce a "backscattering" that converts into high-resolution, cross-sectional images of the retina, macula and optic nerve. Particularly useful in investigating abnormal tissue, OCT allows Mayo clinicians to diagnose diseases such as epiretinal membranes, macular holes and macular edema (swelling). With this new medical imaging technology, clinicians have another painless, precise diagnostic tool. Cost of OCT is about $80.

Fluorescein Angiography

To get more information about a suspected retinal disease, the doctor may use fluorescein angiography to identify leaking blood vessels. First, the doctor injects dye into a vein in the patient's arm. As the dye circulates through the bloodstream and eventually to the eye, the blood vessels in the retina stand out as bright yellow when observed with a special blue light. A camera takes flash photographs of the eye every few seconds for several minutes. The images help identify the blood vessels, new abnormal blood vessels and subtle pigmentation changes in the back of the eye. Cost of Fluorescein Angiography is about $115.

На научной стезе
«Новий зір» в числе ведущих клиник мира по исследованию глаукомы у детей.


Международный конгресс по лечению кератоконуса.
Специалисты клиники Новий зір делятся опытом со своими европейскими коллегами.


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В клинике Новий зір вводится новая услуга — озонотерапия, «зеленая» альтернатива медикаментозному лечению.


Признание на государственном уровне.
Кабинет министров Украины наградил коллектив клиники «Новий зір» почетной грамотой.


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