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Today 28.03.2009
53 day (8 неделя) study

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Course Syllabus
E-books Subject Presentations
Module 1. 'Initial Contacts. Meeting People Across Cultures
Topic 1 Initial Contacts Presentation (*.ppt, ... Mb)
Topic 2 Oral Communication. Effective Face-to-face communication Presentation (*.ppt, ... Mb)
Topic 3 Interview Presentation (*.ppt, ... Mb)
Topic 4 Resume Presentation (*.ppt, ... Mb)
Topic 5 Presenations Presentation (*.ppt, ... Mb)
Additional Materials for Your Project Reading
1. Establishing Relations in Germany. By Valerie Frazee (pdf, 220 Kb)
2. Getting Started in Mexico. By Valerie Frazee (pdf, 209 Kb)
3. Accessing the Value of Communication, by John Finney (pdf, 5,5 Мb)
4. Successful Communications, by Lin M Cummins (pdf, 316 Kb)
5. Communication: Bridging the Gender Gap (pdf, 83 Kb)
6. Going Global: implications for communication and leadership training, by Mel Berger (pdf, 43 Kb)
7. Seeing How to Work Together, by Mary O'Hara-Devereaux and Robert L.Pardini (pdf, 445 Kb)
8. Rigging Up Multicultural Teamworking, by Rosemary Neale and Richard Mindel (pdf, 415 Kb)
9. Friendships of Women and Men at Work, by Dorothy Markiewicz and others (pdf, 129 Kb)
10. Gender and Promotion in Academia, by Patricia Todd and Delys Bird (pdf, 142 Kb)
11. Language, Sex and Power: Women and Men in the Workplace, by Richard Koonce (pdf, 978 Mb)
12. Gender Differences in Negotiation Outcome: a Meta-Analysis, by Alice Stuhlmacher and Amy Walters (pdf, 1,3 Mb)
13. Space for Cognition: Gesture and Second Language Learning, by Steven G. McCafferty (pdf, 140 Kb)
14. To Nod or Not to Nod: an Observational Study of Nonverbal Communication and Status in Female and Male College Students, by Marie Helweg-Larsen and others (pdf, 65 Kb)
15. Educational Leadership: a Strategic Co-operative Japanese Corporate Model, by Larry Cross (pdf, 250 Kb)

Tests for Knowledge

Test for Unit 1.
Initial Contacts (10 questions)
Test for Unit 2.
Oral Communication (10 questions)

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