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Invisalign is the invisible way to straighten teeth without braces. Invisalign uses a series of clear, removable aligners.
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Система Инвизэлайн – это безбрекетная система выравнивания зубов. Ответы на вопросы



 - What is Invisalign?Invisalign is the invisible way to straighten teeth without braces. Invisalign uses a series of clear, removable aligners.




- How does Invisalign works?

 Invisalign is not just a way of treatment malocclusion, it is also a computer program to create perfect smile. Diagnostic models of your teeth are digitized with a high-resolution 3D scanner and computer program plans the treatment step by step. The series of custom-made, clear aligners are produced as a result for each step of treatment. According to the final desired position computer will define necessary quantity of steps and aligners by itself. You will be able to see your future smile before starting treatment.



- What are the primary benefits of Invisalign?

 1. Invisalign is clear. You can straighten your teeth without anyone knowing.2. Invisalign is removable. You can eat and drink  what you want during treatment. You can also brush and floss normally to maintain good oral hygiene. 3. Invisalign is comfortable. There is no metal braces or wires and other factors that irritates soft tissues. Less time is spent for corrections and activations.4. Invisalign allows you to view your own virtual treatment plan and how your teeth will look like before you start.



- What are aligners made of?

 Aligners are made of clear, strong medical grade plastic, invisible when worn.



- What do aligners look like?

 Aligners look similar to tooth-whitening trays, but are made for a better fit to move teeth. Some orthodontics and dentists have  referred to them as “contact lenses for teeth”.

- Is this a new way to straighten teeth?

 For years, orthodontists and dentists have used removable appliances. Nowadays large variety of laboratory-made trays are used as alternative for braces. Invisalign is primary totally computer-designed programme of producing aligners and planning the treatment.



- How does Invisalign effectively move teeth?

 As an any movement - reposition of teeth is controlled by the applied  to tooth force. Computer creates each aligner in the way to permit necessary force and pressure on tooth. Having finished one step of program for replacement aligner stops work for movement and only keeps teeth at appropriate position. This is one step of treatment. It lasts for 2 weeks. Then you change aligners. Each aligner has it’s own number. You will never confuse them. The hole movement process is controlled by the efficient and safety force.



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