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Міністерство охорони здоров'я України

Міністерство освіти і науки України

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The history of Lviv medical university goes back to 1661, when on the 20th of January Jesuit Collegium in Lviv by the privilege of Polish King Yan Kazimir acquired the status of Academy. It consisted of four departments and was awarded the title of the University. However, until the break-up of the University in 1773 the full-blown medical department was not established.

On the 16th of November 1784 according to the privilege of the Austrian emperor Josef II, signed on 21 October 1784, Lviv University consisting of four faculties – theology, philosophy, law and medicine – was revived. Since then Danylo Halytskyi Lviv National Medical University has started counting its age.

Taking into account state and international recognition of University activity, great contribution to the development of national education and science, Danylo Halytskyi Lviv State Medical University was conferred the status of National Medical University on the 21st of August 2003 by the President’s decree №872/2003 »»»

According to the IVth level of accreditation, conferred by the Ministry of Education in 1996, training in Lviv Medical University is carried out at the educational qualification levels: Junior Specialist, Bachelor, Specialist, and Master.

Scientific and educational activity is accomplished at 79 units, clinical centers, at the Institute of Clinical Pathology, in the laboratory of industrial toxicology, in the central research laboratory by110 full professors, 367 associate professors, 429 assistant professors, including 129 Doctors of Sciences and 613 PhD degree holders. Among them are corresponding members of the Ukraine’s National Academy of Sciences, academicians of the Academy of Medical Sciences, Academy of Sciences of Ukraine’s Higher School and number of foreign academies, honoured scientists and technicians of Ukraine, creative work of whom has been awarded with precious state and scientific prizes »»»

Нові номери журналу "Експериментальна та клінічна фізіологія і біохімія"

Розміщено випуски №1, 2008 та №2, 2008 журналу

"Експериментальна та клінічна... »»
Від адміністратора цього сайту

В силу обставин, я з цього дня більше не займаюся адмініструванням сайту ЛНМУ, тому хотів би сказати пару слів на проща... »»

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