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Press Releases

News Archive: Dec 2006


Ukrainian National Alcohol and Drug Observatory (UNADO) of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine is established in Ukraine applying EU standards

Kyiv, 7 December 2006

On 7 December, 2006, at 11:00, at the conference hall of the “Premier Palace” hotel (Kyiv, bulv. Shevchenko/ Pushkinska, Str. 5-7/29), the Official Launch of Ukrainian National Alcohol and Drug Observatory (UNADO), a project funded by European Union, took place.

the purpose of the launching was to present to the authorities and the community of Ukraine the monitoring system for drugs and drug abuse (non-confidential information) which established with the purpose to understand more drug problems in Ukraine and to increase the effectiveness in tackling these problems. Such monitoring systems are developed in more than 40 countries.

The meeting was opened by Ms. Joanna KAZANA-WISNIOWIECKA, United Nations Development Programme Deputy Resident Representative and Mr. Bernhard BOGENSPERGER, the Delegation of the European Commission to Ukraine Programme Coordinator on issues of asylum, border control, organized crime and terrorism. People’s deputies: Ms. Liliya S. GRYGOROVYCH, Mr. Sergiy V SHEVCHUK participated at this event.

Ministry for Internal Affairs of Ukraine, Security Service of Ukraine, State Customs Service of Ukraine, State Border Guards Service of Ukraine, Ministry of Health of Ukraine, Ministry for Family, Youth and Sport affairs of Ukraine, State Statistics Committee of Ukraine, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Social Service for Youth and non-governmental organizations are main and official partners of UNADO. In this regard, the parliamentarians, high level officials of the mentioned government institutions, representatives of international organizations and mass media were invited to the official launch of UNADO.

Within the framework of the BUMAD Programme (“Belarus, Ukraine and Moldova Action on Drugs”) financed by European Union it is planned to strengthen and centralize the activity of governmental institutions and non-governmental organizations in the field of collection, analysis, and dissemination of non-confidential drug data at the national level. The above-mentioned goal was achieved by way of creation of a Drug Monitoring System as well as setting up a unified center UNADO where this information will be summarized and analyzed. Results of the analysis will provide an opportunity to take a look at different aspects of the narcotism phenomenon, particularly social, medical, and epidemiological aspects; define the dynamics, detect trends towards abusing drugs and psychotropic substances; identify risk groups.

Mentioned monitoring system on alcohol and drugs situation is close to compliance with EU standards in this area. In the future it would provide the opportunity to compare the situation with drug-related problems in Ukraine with indicators widely accepted in EU.

About BUMAD Programme: the BUMAD Programme is an umbrella programme benefiting Belarus, Ukraine and Moldova. The overall objective of this Programme is to reduce drug trafficking. The Programme adopted a balanced approach addressing interdiction aspects as well as demand reduction and regional co-operation aspects. European Commission provided 2,500,000 EUR for implementation of the Programme for the period of 2,5 years. For more information, please, visit



500 Ukrainian schools will take part at EU Information Days

Kiev, 22 December 2006

Delegation of the European Commission to Ukraine and Belarus has initiated organisation of EU Information Days in secondary schools of Ukraine since January 2007 in the framework of its Information and Communication programme. Such EU Information Days are a part of annual information programme of the Delegation of the European Commission to Ukraine aimed at raising awareness of Ukrainian public about the European Union.

The aim of the initiative is to organise and hold information events to inform Ukrainian youth, parents and teachers about the EU, European values, perspectives of EU-Ukraine co-operation, EU policy towards Ukraine, etc.

The implementation of the project foresees organisation of information days in a form of open lessons on the topic “What is the EU”, competitions, contests, the best essay or drawing on the EU, festivals of European dance and European cuisine. The dates of the EU Information Days: April-May 2007.

Efficient realisation of project’s tasks foresees active support of local authorities: NGO, Euroclubs, oblast and regional mass media, educational authorities. All interested organisations and schools are invited.

For any additional information please contact organisation –contractor: Charity Fund “Meridian”, Mrs. Svitlana Andrushenko (tel.: (044) 592-07-50, (067) 981-22-32,



Commissioner Piebalgs inaugurates the EU-funded Natural Gas Metrology Centre in Boyarka, Ukraine

Brussels, 21 December 2006

EU Energy Commissioner, Andris Piebalgs, together with the Ukrainian Deputy Prime Minister, Andriy Kluyev inaugurated today the Natural Gas Metrology Centre in Boyarka, Ukraine, which has been supported with EU funds. The establishment of the Centre in Boyarka is the first EU-Ukraine effort towards ensuring a transparent system of gas transit to Europe.

"The Centre will be based on state-of-art European technologies and will underpin the gas trade between the Russia, Ukraine and EU by increasing transparency, reliability and accuracy ", said Commissioner Piebalgs

The construction of the Metrology Centre has been co-financed by the European Commission and NJSC "Naftogaz of Ukraine" under the framework of the Interstate Oil and Gas Transport to Europe Programme (INOGATE). It will provide unified standards for the determination of quality and estimation of natural gas flow transported from Russia to European countries in line with ISO international standards for quantity and quality metering.

It is envisaged that the Centre will be further developed into a Regional Metrological Centre for Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova and be expanded to include the standardisation and evaluation of the quality of oil products and metering of oil and oil product flows. It is also intended that the Centre will eventually become the instrument for developing a safety and security monitoring system for the Ukraine hydrocarbon transit and supply network.

During his visit to Ukraine, Commissioner Piebalgs also discussed the progress in the implementation of the EU-Ukraine Memorandum of Understanding on energy with the Ukrainian Minister of Fuel and Energy, the Deputy Minister of Coal, First Vice-President for Economic policy and Corporate development, Energoatom, Director of Atomic energy and nuclear industry Dept, Ministry of Fuel and Energy and Head of Oil Dept, Ministry of Fuel and Energy. Commissioner Piebalgs also had the opportunity to visit and exchange views with the Ukrainian Deputy Prime Minister, Mr Andrej Kluyev and the Secretary of the National Security and Defence Council, Mr Vitaly Hayduk.

Ukraine is a key transit country for hydrocarbon’s supplies to the EU, with 40% of the EU imports of natural gas transiting through the Ukraine network. As such, ensuring a safe, transparent and reliable transit system is of paramount importance both for the EU and Ukraine. Co-operation was reinforced in December 2005 with the signature of the EU-Ukraine Memorandum of Understanding on cooperation in the field of energy that included a roadmap to enhance the security of energy supplies and the transit of hydrocarbons. This committed the EU and Ukraine to work together to ensure a safe, transparent and reliable transit of gas within the region and to European market.


Ferran Tarradellas: +32/, +32/498.966.293 -
Marilyn Carruthers: +32/, +32/498.999.451 -



Border cooperation agreed between the EU Border Assistance Mission to Moldova and Ukraine and the Information and Security Service of the Republic Moldova and the Security Service of Ukraine

Odesa, 14 December 2006

A number of measures aimed at further improving cooperation on border security issues were agreed at a working meeting the Head of the European Union Border Assistance Mission to the Moldova and Ukraine, Ferenc Banfi, the Director of the Information and Security Service of the Republic of Moldova, Ion Ursu and the First Deputy Head of the Security Service of Ukraine, Valentyn Nalyvaichenko. The meeting took place at the EUBAM HQ in Odesa on 14 December.

During the meeting, the parties exchanged information regarding the development of the situation at the Moldovan-Ukrainian border and discussed the perspective for further cooperation on regional security issues including counteracting transborder infractions as well as other illegal activities at the Moldovan-Ukrainian border.

As a result of the meeting, the parties agreed on a number of cooperative measures to improve mutual actions to counteract transborder crimes:

  • In order to reduce security threats at the Moldovan-Ukrainian border, to exchange information and to cooperate on issues including the smuggling of goods, armaments, munitions, drugs and precursors, illegal migration and trafficking in human beings.

  • In case of the discovery of smuggling of goods, armament, munitions, drugs and precursors, illegal migration and trafficking in human beings to inform each other without any delay in order to assure efficient and coordinated measures.

  • The Mission will provide to both security services reports, analysis, and other information obtained in the process of its border monitoring. It will also offer methodical and technical assistance for the accomplishment of effective control and a comprehensive assessment of the situation at the Moldovan-Ukrainian border.

For additional information please contact Anastasiya Trotska, PR Assistant, EUBAM by office tel./fax (+38 0482) 36-52-74, mob. +38 050 386 89 73 or e-mail: and Rosemary Thomas, Communications Officer, EUBAM, tel. (+38 0482) 36 52 63.



EU-funded project for SME support discussed SME development issues with regional media

Kyiv, December 14, 2006

During November, 2006 the EU-funded Project “SME Support Services in Priority Regions” together with its local partners – the regional representatives of the State Committee of Ukraine for Regulatory Policy and Entrepreneurship (SCURPE) - organised three media round tables in Zhytomyr, Rivne and Chernigiv.

The purpose of these Media Round Tables was to share the activities of the project in the three priority regions with the regional media and to discuss the issues of Small and Medium Sized Enterprise (SME) development in the regions in general. Particular feedback was sought from the regional media in terms of opportunities and challenges faced by regional media when writing about SMEs and the SME sector.

Regional media, representatives of regional business support services providers and regional businesses took part in the discussions held.

During the event three short panels facilitated by project representatives were held. Of particular interest for the round table participants in all three regions was the debate on relationships between media and local businesses. During this discussion the following issues were raised: challenges that the regional media face when they are reporting about local businesses, the quality and competence of journalists, ways on how regional media access business news, who is the media consumer and what news is s/he interested in.

As a result of the roundtables it was suggested that each region needs to develop a set of actions to improve this situation, namely, an integrated programme of media development that brings the aspirations of media and businesses closer together.

The other two panels of the media round tables were dedicated to the role and impact of business support organisations in regional development and the function of human capital in SME development.

The audience agreed that all the issues raised and discussed during the round tables were of importance, particularly in the context of regional development.

By organising these media round tables the project hopes to have contributed to an increased awareness and discussion on the media’s involvement in and influence on regional business development, in the process creating a better framework for specific initiatives that improve business development services providers’ delivery capacities and supports the concept of “learning organisations”.

For more information please contact:

Philip Santens (Project Team Leader)

+38 044 332 41 65

Victoria Tetyora (Local Expert, GFA Consulting Group)

+38 (044) 332 41 64



The Project Improvement of Logistics and Marketing Channels for SMEs in Agriculture to organize a conference on its activity results.

Kyiv, December 14, 2006

On December 19, 2006, a final conference will take place dedicated to the activity results and their dissemination of the Project Improvement of Logistics and Marketing Channels for SMEs in Agriculture. The Conference participants will include Mr. Yuriy Melnik, Minister of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine, Ms. Helene Chraye, Head of the EU - Tacis Programme in Ukraine, Project partners, representatives of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy, Delegation of the European Commission to Ukraine, United States Agency for International Development (USAID), World Bank, media, as well as the management and experts of Agrilogistics Project.

Venue of the event: Ministry of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine

Address: 24, Khreschatyk vul., Kyiv, 4th floor, conference hall

Time: 10:00 am – 1:00 pm

The conference agenda will include discussions on the issues of tasks facing the agricultural sector of Ukraine, agricultural reforms, national legislation, in particular, objectives and results of the Project’s activities, development of supply chains, development of wholesale markets in Ukraine, management support, legal and regulatory assistance, regulatory activity in the grain market, provision of credit facilities and grants, etc. The conference participants will be provided with a final Project CD containing reports, achievements, basic information, conclusions and recommendations and also business planning software programme for agricultural enterprises.

More detailed information on the activities of the Project can be obtained at the Project’s web page at, as well as by contacting Mr. Richard Rozwadowski, Team Leader of the Project at:

+ 38 044 289 36 31, 289 36 30. Please note that although the project office will close by the end of December that the project website will remain in operation for another year where further documents and information can be seen and downloaded.


The Ministry of Agricultural Policy of Ukraine and the Delegation of the European Commission in Ukraine initiated the Project Improvement of Logistics and Marketing Channels for SMEs in Agriculture’. The Project’s implementation scheme was developed by the European Union Technical Assistance Programme. The Project being implemented by a Scanagri-led consortium was initiated in March 2005. The activities will focused on the establishment of supply and marketing chains for fruits, vegetables, cereals and diary products, creation of wholesale markets and providing recommendations on agricultural policy and legal and regulatory environment.



EU funded project "Civic education – Ukraine" summed up another stage of its activities

Kyiv, 13 December 2006


On 8th of December 2006 EU-funded project 'Civic Education Ukraine' organized semi-final project conference in Taras Shevchenko University, Post-graduate Institute in Kyiv to discuss project progress to date and plans for the rest of the project period until March 2008. Participants of the conference included the project's partner (Ministry of Education), the project's 100 pilot schools and some of non-pilot ones as well as representatives from pilot oblast ITTIs and other project target groups (in total 140 people).

The following project working groups have presented their achievements and plans of the future:

  • Curriculum and materials development

  • Teacher Development

  • Community Development and Extra-curricular Activities

  • Special Needs Education

  • Gender and Social Equity

  • Project dissemination and support for teachers’ associations.

The future activities of the groups were widely discussed wit the recipients of the project results. It’s worth mentioning, that project activities summary brochure with description of the main activities and their outputs was published especially for this conference as well as some promotion materials (wall planer, T-shirts etc.).

In general participants have positively assessed the project progress and expressed their support and interest in further involvement in the project activities. From the project side, discussion of the project implementation, allowed more rationally and pragmatically plan how to achieve the best possible outputs in timely manner.

For further information on the project please contact

David Royle, International Team Leader, Cambridge Education, Ukraine

Civic Education Project

Tel: (+380-44) 4665467; 2386389; 5685780; Fax: (+380-44) 2308102




The Commission launches new scholarship scheme outside the EU

Brussels, 11 December 2006

The European Commission is launching a new "Erasmus Mundus External Co-operation Window" open to the EU’s neighbours1, Russia, Central Asia2 and Iran, Iraq and Yemen. The first call for proposals will take place before the end of 2006 and will allow for a total of 1300 scholarships, of which 110 will be dedicated to Iran, Iraq and Yemen. These scholarships will facilitate the mobility of undergraduate, master, doctorate and post-doctoral students between these countries and the EU, as well as exchanges of academic staff for the purposes of teaching, training and research.

Commissioner for External Relations and European Neighbourhood Policy, Benita Ferrero-Waldner, said “Scholarships like these contribute to the development of partner countries and are an excellent way of fostering deeper understanding between our people. Against the backdrop of Iran’s strained relations with the international community, it remains as important as ever for the EU to continue encouraging and supporting academic exchanges with that country.

Starting in the academic year 2007-8, the duration of these scholarships may vary from 3 months to 3 years. The scheme relies on mixed consortia of EU and third country universities, promoting durable institutional links.

Ján Figel’, European Commissioner in charge of Education & Culture said : “As the EU is about to celebrate the 20th anniversary of its flagship programme, Erasmus, I welcome the ever-growing expansion of Erasmus Mundus which now extends to many countries around the world our policies of academic exchanges and intercultural dialogue”.

With the new “External Co-operation Window" initiative, the European Union confirms its commitment to the importance of higher education for economic and social development. Higher education plays a crucial role in producing high quality workforce, in disseminating scientific discovery and advanced knowledge. In the context of today’s global economy and an increasingly knowledge-based society, promoting international co-operation and mobility between higher education institutions in the European Union and other countries is a win-win situation: it contributes to the mutual enrichment of nations and to a better understanding among peoples.

The new external co-operation window builds on the general EU Erasmus Mundus programme: Erasmus Mundus promotes Europe as a centre of excellence in higher education and gives grants to third-country students and scholars to obtain a masters degree in Europe. It also supports co-operation between European and non-European universities and encourages the mobility of European students and scholars towards universities in third countries. Since 2004, under Erasmus Mundus, 26 citizens from Iran and Yemen have already received a grant. More information on the general Erasmus Mundus programme can be consulted at:

The call for proposals and application forms for the new Erasmus Mundus External Cooperation Window can be downloaded from:

Further information, including frequently asked questions can be obtained at:

1 Algeria, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Egypt, Georgia, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Moldova, Morocco, Syria, Tunisia, Ukraine and West Bank and Gaza Strip.

2 Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan.



EU funded Project “Assistance to Regional Development in Ukraine” held international workshop “Practical approaches to development of framework legislation on local self-government: experience of EU member states and proposals for Ukraine”.

Kyiv, December 12, 2006

International workshop “Practical approaches to development of framework legislation on local self-government: experience of EU member states and proposals for Ukraine” was held within the premises of the Verkhovna Rada Committees on December 12, 2006.

The workshop was organised by the EU funded Project “Assistance to Regional Development in Ukraine” in cooperation with the Verkhovna Rada Committee on State Building, Regional Policy and Local Self-Government, Ukrainian Association of Local and Regional Communities and Indiana University Parliamentary Development Project for Ukraine.

The problems related to the methodology and the main stages of the elaboration of the new framework law on local self-government in Ukraine were discussed and the experience of other European countries in the realisation of the legislative reform on local and regional development was presented on the workshop.

Second part of the day was dedicated to the coordination meeting of donor organizations and technical assistance projects working in the field of regional / local development.

Participants of the workshop included representatives of the Ukrainian Government, Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, National Association of Regional Development Agencies, National Academy of Public Administration, regional and local authorities, international organizations, as well as Ukrainian and international scientific-research institutions and centers.

For more information, please contact ‘Assistance to Regional Development in Ukraine’ Project:

Natalka Ostash
Communication Officer
Tel.: +38 044 501 63 13



EUBAM Press Conference Invitation, 13-30, 14.12.06

You are invited to a press conference on the occasion of the meeting between the heads of Security Services of Moldova and Ukraine and the European Union Border Assistance Mission to the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine. The press conference will take place on Thursday, 14 December, at 1330 at the EUBAM headquarters (13, Uyutna str., Odesa).

The press conference will be attended by:

  • Ion Ursu, Director of the Information and Security Service of the Republic of Moldova

  • Valentyn Nalyvaichenko, Acting Head of the Security Service of Ukraine

  • Ferenc Banfi, Head of the European Union Border Assistance Mission to the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine

The meeting will be devoted to the coordination of number of joint measures to counteract cross-border violations.


The EU Border Assistance Mission to Moldova and Ukraine was launched on 30 November 2005 following the joint request of the Presidents of Moldova and Ukraine for assistance.

Its aims are:

  • to work with Moldova and Ukraine to harmonise their border management standards and procedures with those prevalent in EU member states;

  • to help enhance the professional capacities of the Moldovan and Ukrainian customs and border guard services at operational level;

  • to develop risk analysis capacities;

  • to improve co-operation and complementarity between the border guard and customs services and with other law enforcement agencies;

  • to promote cross-border co-operation.

To apply for accreditation or to bid for an interview with participants of the press conference please call on office tel. +38 0482 36-52-74 or mob. +38 050 386 89 73 or e-mail:

Contact: Anastasiya Trotska, PR Assistant, EUBAM.



The Project Improvement of Logistics and Marketing Channels for SMEs in Agriculture to organize a press club event on its activity results in Chernivtsi region.

Kyiv, December 08, 2006

On December 11, 2006 the Project Improvement of Logistics and Marketing Channels for SMEs in Agriculture implemented under the assistance of the European Union is organizing a concluding press club event titled The present and future of agricultural producers and processors in Western Ukraine: the Project’s activity results. The concluding press club event will be attended by farmers from Western regions of Ukraine, representatives of government authorities and advisory services, media and Project's experts. The event will be held at the premises of Chernivtsi Business-centre, 20, Kobylyanskoyi vul., at 4:00 pm.

During the press club event the results will be reviewed with regard to:

  • development of marketing system for agricultural products;

  • building up of supply channels for raw materials from producers to processing enterprises, distributors and supermarkets;

  • establishment of wholesale markets in Ukraine;

  • logistics and marketing for agricultural enterprises, business planning;

  • upgrade of operational level of producing and food processing enterprises aimed at the improvement of quality, productivity and profitability;

  • experience and lessons learnt by the Project and its partners, in particular resulting from the study tours and involvement in training activities;

  • overall results of the Project’s activities, etc.

With the purpose of stimulating the awareness of the products’ buyers and their attraction in maximum possible numbers, the Project has developed trade marks for a number of enterprises. In addition, over more than a year, the Project has arranged training seminars and workshops in logistics, marketing of grain products and vegetables, relationship with wholesale buyers and processors of the products, development of business plans and availability of credit resources, association of farmers into groups to create pooling of products and establish regular supplies.

More detailed information on the activities of the Project can be obtained at the Project’s web page at, as well as by contacting Richard Rozwadowski, Team Leader of the Project at:

+ 38 044 289 36 31, 289 36 30 and Maria Porchuk, regional coordinator at +38 0372 58 55 72, or 58 55 73.


The Ministry of Agricultural Policy of Ukraine and the Delegation of the European Commission in Ukraine initiated the Project Improvement of Logistics and Marketing Channels for SMEs in Agriculture’. The Project’s implementation scheme was developed by the European Union Technical Assistance Programme. The Project being implemented by a Scanagri-led consortium was initiated in March 2005. The activities will focused on the establishment of supply and marketing chains for fruits, vegetables, cereals and diary products, creation of wholesale markets and providing recommendations on agricultural policy and legal and regulatory environment.



Ukrainian banks will work under intenational standards thanks to EU funded project on bank sector reform

Kyiv, 8 December 2006

On December 13 2006, at the Delegation of the European Commission to Ukraine and Belarus (10, Kruhlo-Universitetska st., Kyiv) at 11.15 a press conference will take place dedicated to summing up the results of the EU funded Bank Sector Reform project. The successful implementation of the project is proven by positive feedback from its participants including National Bank of Ukraine.

The press conference will be hosted by Mr. Remi Duflot, Second Secretary, Head of Operations Section on Economic Development and Nuclear Safety, EC Delegation, Mrs. Natalia Ivanenko, Director of Department of Methodology for Bank Regulation and Supervision, Mr. Richard du Cloux, Team Leader of the Bank Sector Reform Project for Ukraine, and Mrs. Vitaliya Mudruk, project manager, EC Delegation.

The participants of the press conference will provide an overview of activities and achievements of the Bank Sector Reform project, which was executed over a 30 months period.

The Bank Sector Reform Project for Ukraine was launched in July 2004 and will be finished on 31 December 2006. The value of the project was Euro 2.774.400. The project was designed to facilitate an efficient response of the Ukrainian banking sector to the reform efforts of the National Bank of Ukraine. The Project’s objective was to assist the improvement of industry practices and increase efficiency of Ukrainian banks in line with international best practices. The Consultant charged with the execution of the Project was ING Institutional & Government Advisory Services B.V. of the Netherlands (part of ING Wholesale Banking).

The main activities of the project consisted of:

  • Bank advisory

  • Training programmes

The bank advisory was executed at ten banks (“participating banks”) which were approved for participation by the Project’s Steering Committee after a thorough screening process. The banks involved were Ukrsotsbank, Nadra Bank, Bank Finance and Credit, Kreditprombank, VaBank, Ukrgasbank, Index Bank, Dongorbank, Morskoi Transportny Bank, and Diamant Bank.

Assistance provided to these banks was tailored to the needs of each individual bank, and focused on strengthening operations in the areas of General Management and Corporate Governance, Branch Network Management, Credit and Risk Management, Financial Control and Cost Management, and Internal Audit. Maximum flexibility was applied in performing advisory activities in order to keep project work aligned with the priority needs for assistance of each bank.

Besides individual bank advisory services, an extensive seminar programme was delivered to the Participating Banks. The training seminars were open to other Ukrainian commercial banks as well.

In the framework of the training programme for the National Bank of Ukraine, a number of seminars were held for staff of the Banking Supervision dealing with a number of pre-agreed topics. These included Corporate Governance and the implications of the agreement on International Convergence of Capital Measurement and Capital Standards (commonly referred to as Basel II) and other topics.

To extend the reach of the project beyond the circle of the direct recipients of assistance and training, a project website ( was set up, which contains all material that was used at the training seminars. The material can be downloaded at no cost by all Ukrainian banks holding the password which was provided to them by the National Bank of Ukraine.

For further information on the project please contact Mrs. Vitaliya Mudruk, Project Manager, Delegation of the European Commission to Ukraine and Belarus,

For accreditation for the press conference please contact Ms Olha Korniychuk, Press Officer, Delegation of European Commissin to Ukraine and Belarus, tel.: 390 8010 or mobile: 068 354 1752 or e-mail:



The Project for Small and Medium Enterprises in Agriculture to organize presentation on its activity results in Kharkiv oblast.

Kyiv, December 6, 2006

On December 07, 2006 the Project Improvement of Logistics and Marketing Channels for SMEs in Agriculture implemented under the assistance of the European Union is organizing a concluding presentation titled Do we wish to Europe: condition and prospects of agriculture of Kharkiv region in the aspects of the European standards of the organization of the field and output of products to be held at the premises of NewBiznet Business Support Centre in Kharkiv. The final event will be attended by Project experts, representatives of agricultural producers and processing companies, farming enterprises, trade institutions and the media.

During the concluding presentation, the Project experts Mr. Nico de Groot, Mr. Jacek Austen and Mr. Sergiy Kiral will deliver the Project’s activity results in Kharkiv oblast, its cooperation with partners, the development of wholesale markets as well as future activities.

The following major issues will be under discussion:

  • Building up of supply channels of raw materials from producers to processing companies, distributors and supermarkets: principles, Project’s achievements, and partners’ opinion.

  • Establishment of wholesale markets in Ukraine - cooperation with Avek company: principles, Project’s achievements and prospects for the future

  • Upgrade of technological level at production and processing enterprises aimed at improvement of quality, productivity and profitability: delivery of results

  • What can be learnt from European experience and is it worth going for European standards: lessons learnt by the Project and its partners, in particular as a result of study tours and participation in training activities

  • Cooperative movement in Ukraine: Project’s experience in supporting the creation of Dar cooperative

  • Supermarket share in cash flow of producers and processors: lessons learnt from cooperation with Target, Velyka Kyshenya; partners’ comments regarding the future in the marketing of agricultural products.

During the course of the Project’s activities in Kharkiv oblast, the experts carried out training seminars and workshops in marketing, supply chain management, business planning and credit facilities, preparation of business plans for banking loans, post-harvest handling and storage for fruits and vegetables, improvement of participants’ awareness concerning Ukrainian and European quality standards, EuropGap certification and recording system, introduction of balance score card system and management information system (MIS), etc.

More detailed information on the activities of the Project can be obtained at the Project’s web page at, as well as by contacting Mr. Richard Rozwadowski, Team Leader of the Project at:

+ 38 044 289 36 31, 289 36 30 and Mrs.Tetyana Nosova at +38 050 634 05 53.


The Ministry of Agricultural Policy of Ukraine and the Delegation of the European Commission in Ukraine initiated the Project Improvement of Logistics and Marketing Channels for SMEs in Agriculture’. The Project’s implementation scheme was developed by the European Union Technical Assistance Programme. The Project being implemented by a Scanagri-led consortium was initiated in March 2005. The activities will focused on the establishment of supply and marketing chains for fruits, vegetables, cereals and diary products, creation of wholesale markets and providing recommendations on agricultural policy and legal and regulatory environment.



Strengthening the European Neighbourhood Policy
Brussels, 4 December 2006

The European Commission today proposes new ways to strengthen the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP1). The first 18 months of implementation of the ENP have shown good results. The new Communication sets out to increase the impact of the policy, by proposing ways that the EU can help partners who are willing to reform to do this faster and better, and provide incentives to convince those who are still hesitant. The new proposals are accompanied by progress reports on the Neighbourhood partners whose ENP Action Plans began to be implemented in 20052. The Communication will feed into work during the incoming German Presidency in the first half of 2007.

European Commissioner for External Relations and Neighbourhood Policy, Benita Ferrero-Waldner said: “I believe that our Neighbourhood Policy is bringing real benefits to Ukraine and today we are offering to the country even more attractive incentives. It will bring the Policy into sharper focus, concentrating on key areas of mutual interest like people to people contacts, deepening trade relations, stronger co operation on energy migration and visa issues as well as financial support. An important contribution will be a new Neighbourhood Investment Fund. The Neighbourhood Policy has made a positive start, but the EU can do much more. We must rise to the challenge of promoting peace, stability and economic prosperity of our neighbours. There is no better way of doing this than by supporting their political and economic reforms.”

Today’s progress report on Ukraine takes stock of progress since the Action Plan was adopted in February 2005. With the preparation and conduct of overall free and fair parliamentary elections in March 2006, accompanied by a free debate in the press, Ukraine consolidated the breakthrough in conducting a democratic election process that began with the Orange Revolution and which is also a key element of the EU-Ukraine ENP Action Plan. Considerable progress has been made towards consolidating respect for human rights and the rule of law. Initial steps have been taken in the fight against corruption and on the reform of the judiciary, which are particular challenges.

There has been good cooperation between the EU and Ukraine on foreign policy, with Ukraine aligning with EU positions on many issues. Good progress has been made on Ukraine-Moldova border management. Agreements on visa facilitation and readmission have been successfully negotiated and initialled.

Progress has been made in various trade and trade-related areas, including last steps in the WTO accession process, but further reforms are needed to improve the business climate. While progress is needed on nuclear safety issues, much progress has been achieved on energy cooperation.

From 2007-13 the budget foreseen for the countries of the ENP is ˆ12 billion, 32% more in real terms than in the last budget period. To maximise the impact and leverage of this EU funding the Commission will propose the creation of:

  • A Neighbourhood Investment Fund, to which Member States will also be invited to contribute, which would be used to leverage additional lending from the European Investment Bank, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and other development banks. The contribution from the Community Budget would be ˆ700 million. It is estimated that this fund could encourage lending of several times the amount of grant funding. If Member States were to match the EC contribution, the Fund could generate a considerable amount of concessional lending.

  • ˆ300 million will also be set aside for a Governance Facility, to provide additional support on top of normal country allocations to acknowledge and support the work of partner countries who have made most progress in implementing their Action Plans.

Today’s Communication also proposes:

  • A clear perspective for all ENP partners, eastern as well as southern, of deep economic and trade integration with the EU, going beyond free trade in goods and services to address non-tariff barriers achieving comprehensive regulatory convergence.

  • Substantially improved visa procedures for certain types of visitors.

  • Ad hoc or regular ministerial and expert level meetings with ENP partners on subjects like energy, transport, the environment and public health. This multilateral approach can usefully complement the bilateral work on which the ENP is based.

  • Strengthened political co operation, more systematic association of ENP partners with EU initiatives (foreign policy declarations, positions in international fora as well as participation in key programmes and EU agencies).

  • A more active role for the EU in conflict-settlement efforts in the region.

  • A strengthened regional approach in the east based on existing Black Sea co operation.

For more information on the European Neighbourhood Policy:

or contact:

Olha Korniychuk, Press Officer, Delegation of the European Commission to Ukraine and Belarus, tel.: +38 044 390 80 10 or e-mail

[1] EU policy towards its Southern Neighbours (Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Israel, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Syria, Tunisia, West Bank and Gaza Strip) and Eastern Neighbours (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine)

[2] Jordan, Israel, Moldova, Morocco, Tunisia, Ukraine, West Bank and Gaza Strip.

  • Communication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parlament on Strengthening the European Neighbourhood Policy
  • ENP Progress report - Ukraine
  • Overall Assessment
  • Sectoral Progress Report
  • EU-Ukraine relations: Fact sheet


The Project for Small and Medium Enterprises in Agriculture to organize a seminar on summing up its activities in southern regions of Ukraine

Kyiv, 4 December 2006

On December 08, 2006 the Project Improvement of Logistics and Marketing Channels for SMEs in Agriculture implemented under the assistance of the European Union is organizing the summing up conference-seminar titled Operating results of the Project “Improvement of Logistics and Marketing Channels for SMEs in Agriculture” in the southern regions of Ukraine. The event involving representatives of the media, farming enterprises and trade institutions, will be held at the premises of Tavria State Agrotechnical Academy, Melitopol, Zaporizhzhya oblast.

During the course of the seminar, a review will be made of the results in the development of the marketing system for agricultural products, economic results in logistics and marketing for agricultural enterprises implemented in 2006, business planning, general performance results of the Project and the status and prospects for obtaining credit facilities for the year 2007.

As a result of the Project activities, a number of events have been held in these regions aimed at improvement of logistics and marketing for agricultural producers; supply channels for vegetable products have been established through Furshet supermarket, ATB supermarket, for early tomatoes to Russian and Belarus, as well as for late green tomatoes for supplies to Zaporizhzhya vegetable distribution centre. Deliveries of tomatoes, onions and cucumbers have also been organized within the Project activities for processing to Gora-Ukraine LLC and Semenivskyy cannery, links have been established with the distribution centre ATB-market (city of Dnipropetrovsk) for supplies of beetroot, pickles for autumn and winter period, as well as long-term relationship with retail traders of vegetable products from Zaporizhzhya and Kyiv, the supply chain has been organized for the grain group farming enterprises to Optimus company.

With the purpose of improving the awareness of the products’ by buyers, the Project has developed trademarks for a number of enterprises. In addition, during the period of more than one year, educational seminars and trainings have been held in the issues of logistics, marketing of grain and vegetable products, relationship with wholesale buyers and processors, development of business plans and obtaining credit funds, organisation of producers into groups to create pooling of their products and to secure regular supplies.

Currently, the activities have been ongoing in the Kamyanka-Dniprovka rayon and the creation of a distribution centre at the site of Klin LLC for the establishment of products supplies to the markets of the European Union and Russia; issues have been pending resolution concerning the modernisation of refrigeration chambers with gas medium for a higher quality storage of products, implementation of sorting and packing of products, selling of products in the market on the basis of long-term partner relationships with supermarkets and distribution centres, production of environmentally clean products, diversification of production activities, as well as entering new markets. The Project experts have been carrying out weekly monitoring of prices for agricultural products in the region for dissemination to farmers and to use in business plans.

More detailed information on the activities of the Project can be obtained at the Project’s web page at, as well as by contacting Mr. Richard Rozwadowski, Team Leader of the Project, and Gennadiy Podshivalov, Regional Coordinator, at + 38 044 289 36 31, 289 36 30.


The Ministry of Agricultural Policy of Ukraine and the Delegation of the European Commission in Ukraine initiated the Project Improvement of Logistics and Marketing Channels for SMEs in Agriculture’. The Project’s implementation scheme was developed by the European Union Technical Assistance Programme. The Project being implemented by a Scanagri-led consortium was initiated in March 2005. The activities will focused on the establishment of supply and marketing chains for fruits, vegetables, cereals and diary products, creation of wholesale markets and providing recommendations on agricultural policy and legal and regulatory environment.



The Project Improvement of Logistics and Marketing Channels for SMEs in Agriculture takes care for the issue of development of whole sale agricultural markets in Ukraine

Kyiv, 4 December 2006

The Project Improvement of Logistics and Marketing Channels for SMEs in Agriculture implemented under the assistance of the European Union, has been working on the development of wholesale agricultural markets since April 2005. It is one of the pioneers in assisting the Ministry of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine to promote this across Ukraine. During this period of time, initiative groups for the establishment of wholesale markets in Kharkiv and Odessa have been created. Under the request from the local authorities and representatives of the business presentations have been held featuring the development of wholesale markets in Kyiv, Donetsk, Ternopil, Chernivtsi, as well as presentations with large audience within the seminars and conferences at different cities of Ukraine aimed at publicizing the idea of the wholesale markets development in Ukraine.

The support and technical advice have been provided by international experts of Agrilogistics project throughout the project to Shuvar market in Lviv, the only currently operating wholesale agricultural market in Ukraine.

The Agrilogistics project initiated the elaboration of the Law of Ukraine On Wholesale Agricultural Markets, its draft having been presented for adoption to the Ukrainian Parliament of the previous convocation, and was sent for follow-up revision. Several study tours have been arranged to wholesale agricultural markets in Poland. A study tour of wholesale markets in Italy for initiative groups from the regions and representatives of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine was held in July 2006.

The experts from Agrilogistics project have developed a typical model for the wholesale producer-type (farmer) market and detailed models of individual halls; the master plan for the typical model of the wholesale agricultural market has been developed in compliance with the requirements of Ukrainian legislation and in accordance with the requirements of European standards with regard to similar markets.

The Project’s activities resulted in working out the Master plan for the development of wholesale agricultural markets in Ukraine which was presented at the First International conference The development of wholesale agricultural markets in Ukraine held in Lviv on September 14-15, 2006.

More detailed information on the activities of the Project can be obtained at the Project’s web page at As the project finishes at the end of December 2006 information as to who to contact will be provided on the website which will continue for several months.


The Ministry of Agricultural Policy of Ukraine and the Delegation of the European Commission in Ukraine initiated the Project Improvement of Logistics and Marketing Channels for SMEs in Agriculture’. The Project’s implementation scheme was developed by the European Union Technical Assistance Programme. The Project being implemented by a Scanagri-led consortium was initiated in March 2005. The activities will focused on the establishment of supply and marketing chains for fruits, vegetables, cereals and diary products, creation of wholesale markets and providing recommendations on agricultural policy and legal and regulatory environment.



Invitation to Press Conference

Kyiv, 1 December 2006

Representatives of Ukrainian media are invited to the press conference on the occasion of adoption by the European Commission of a New Communication on the European Neighbourhood Policy and the report of progress made with Ukraine and other countries of ENP that will take place in Brussels on Monday, 4th of December.

The press conference is going to take place on Monday, 4th of December on the premises of the Delegation of the European Commission to Ukraine and Belarus (10, Kruhlo-Universitetska st., Kyiv) at 15:00.

The press conference will be hosted by Mr. Ian Boag, Head of the Delegation of the European Commission to Ukraine and Belarus.

For additional information please contact Ms Olha Korniychuk, Press Officer, Delegation of European Commission to Ukraine and Belarus: (044) 390 8010 or (068)354 1752 or e-mail




Kyiv, 1 December 2006

On November 29-30, the EU Project “Strengthening Civil Society” has organized an open space conference entitled “The role of NGOs as providers of social services and agents of social changes today and tomorrow”. More than 120 representatives of socially oriented NGOs from 7 regions of Ukraine (Rivne, Chernivtsi, Volyn, Sumy, Kherson, Donetsk, Mykolaiv), ministries (Ministry of Ukraine for family, youth and sports, Ministry of Labour and Social Policy), as well as EC Delegation and other international projects whose activity is directed at development of civil society, took part in the event.

More than 30 working groups were formed during the conference to look for solutions to the problems suggested by the participants. Among them:

  • youth participation in the decision-making process on the local level,

  • community activisation through community foundations,

  • family forms of raising orphans,

  • complex stationary rehabilitation of the invalids,

  • cooperation of NGOs and socially responsible business,

  • popularization of volunteer movement in Ukraine,

  • role of national idea in educating youth,

  • all-Ukrainian network of social services,

  • setting up rehabilitation centres for drug and alcohol addicted youth,

  • publicity of NGO work,

  • ethical principles in NGO activities etc.

All the materials worked out during the session were compiled into a brochure and given to the participants at the end.

Friendly, relaxing atmosphere and environment of the open space inspired the participants to the new project ideas, altogether 17: web portal “Volunteer movement in Sumy region”, educational camp for spiritual development for Ukrainian teachers, social entrepreneurship in Volodymyrets of the Rivne region, setting up Center for spiritual education for people with limited abilities and their families, informational campaign in popularization of idea of public and social responsibility, partner school of trainers, development of the network for people with different kinds of addiction, cross-regional center for physical and patriotic education of youth etc. Initiators of ideas were able to find interested people among the participants, so the next steps were discussed. We wish all the participants inspiration and good luck in realization of their project ideas.


“Open Space” is a new special technology for events management. Participants of the meeting design their work schedule themselves and propose agenda for discussion. Everyone can be director and actor and organize a working group, or just watch the debates. Methodology of an open space has proved to be effective in different countries of the world while organizing events of public and charitable organizations, state structures, business companies, medical and educational establishments, international organizations etc.

Contact person: Tetiana Katbsert,



First year of EUBAM rated a success

Odesa, 30 November 2006

The EU is very satisfied with the results of the first year of operation of the EU Border Assistance Mission to Moldova and Ukraine”, said Ambassador Ian Boag, Head of the EC Delegation to Ukraine and Belarus, yesterday. “The EU continues to regard the implementation of the Joint Declaration on the customs regime as the most significant contribution to ensuring transparency at the border.”

Ambassador Boag was speaking yesterday following the fourth meeting of EUBAM’s Advisory Board. The Board considered the annual report issued by EUBAM and expressed its satisfaction with the work of the Mission and its counterparts over its first year of operation. The Board congratulated Moldova and Ukraine on the recent signature of the protocols on information exchange between the customs services and between the border guards of both states.

“The protocols are a practical measure which will make a real difference to the quality of inter-agency cooperation across the border” said General Banfi, the Head of EUBAM. “The signature is a natural progression from the increased level of cross-border cooperation which has developed over the last year, in particular during the course of two cross-border operations in April and October. Increased information exchange will build up risk analysis capacities which are essential to achieve a modern border control system”.

General Banfi said the biggest achievement of the Mission had been to enhance the capacities of the border guard and customs service professionals serving at the border. The increase in customs revenue shown in both states bore out this improvement. Risk analysis is another area of improvement. He said. “Better risk analysis is facilitating the implementation of intelligence-led operations. In turn, this contributes to increased discoveries of illegal activities and a resulting decrease in those activities”. He also noted that inter-agency cooperation within each state and across the border was also deepening so that agencies are now working together on a daily basis.

The Moldovan Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Valeriu Ostalep, noted that both states had declared their goal of joining the EU. The Mission’s work in helping both states achieve European standards of border control would assist this goal.

Peter Chaliy, Ukrainian Ambassador to Moldova, emphasised the importance of effective border management on the Moldova-Ukraine border Ukraine is striving to make border control as fast and painless as possible. With the EU’s help, he said, this process will be much faster.

The Advisory Board recommended a widening of the Mission’s cooperation to include the Ministries of Justice and the Prosecutors’ Offices. To achieve a cohesive approach to the struggle against illegal activities at the border, the work of the border guards and customs services cannot be divided from the court processes which deal with the illegalities uncovered by the services.

The Board also decided that the anti-corruption activities being undertaken in all services could be usefully complemented by a civic campaign to underline citizen’s rights and responsibilities when crossing the border.

For additional information please contact Anastasiya Trotska, PR Assistant, EUBAM by office tel./fax (+38 0482) 36-52-74, mob. +38 050 386 89 73 or e-mail: and Rosemary Thomas, Communications Officer, EUBAM, tel. (+38 0482) 36 52 63.



Consumer Movement Activists from all over Ukraine gather in Kyiv, 7- 8 December

Kyiv, 1 December 2006

On 7-8 December, 2006 Kyiv will host the All-Ukrainian Forum “Consumer Society in Ukraine: the Way to Europe” organized by the Consumer Society and Citizen Networks project (CSCN), a joint initiative of the European Union and United Nations Development Programme.

The goal of the forum that will gather in Kyiv more than 150 consumer movement activists from all over Ukraine is to initiate a wide public dialogue on increasing the civil society role in sound economic governance in Ukraine according to the European standards. At the plenary session and four working sections participants will discuss specific mechanisms of raising consumer awareness and citizen activism in Ukraine.

In particular, participants will address existing challenges facing Ukrainian consumer movement, tackle ways of increasing consumer awareness of Ukrainians, will define priorities of the Ukrainian consumer movement. Specially invited experts from Europe will share European experience of consumer movement development. As a separate issue, participants will review the ways of increasing consumer society influence on the state policy of consumer rights protection in Ukraine.

The forum will gather consumer rights activists, representatives of public and advocacy organizations, state agencies charged with consumer rights protection, business associations, consumer communities (car owners, patients, healthy life advocates, parents, etc.), international and donor organizations.

The All-Ukrainian Forum “Consumer Society in Ukraine: the Way to Europe” will start on December 7, 2006 at 11:00 AM at the Ukrainian House (2 Khreschatik, Kyiv). For accreditation and additional information please call CSCN at 253-6705, 253-6732, 257-6689 or write to The contact person: Konstantin Golowinski or Maria Savchenko.

The Consumer Society and Citizen Networks project (CSCN) is a joint initiative of the European Union and UNDP started in 2006. Its goal is to increase civil society role in sound economic governance in Ukraine according to the European standards. Specifically CSCN aims at promoting access of citizens to information on product safety, consumer rights protection, and to results of independent testing, as well as promoting wide public discussion of challenges facing the consumer society in Ukraine.

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