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In the Delegation

Press Releases

Calendar of EU events in Ukraine

Press Releases

News Archive: Jan 2005


Survey shows European public is largely at ease with euro three years after adoption

Three years after the introduction of the euro notes and coins, citizens in the euro zone have become familiar with the European currency, no longer thinking in the old national monies for common purchases, knowing the approximate value of the euro against the dollar, expecting the new EU members to also adopt it and believing that this will be beneficial for consumers overall. At the same time, citizens don’t appear to know that they can withdraw cash and make purchases with their bank cards in other euro zone countries without incurring any supplementary fees, a survey carried out by the Commission shows. It also reveals that more than half of the public in the euro zone has at least heard about the Stability and Growth Pact and see it as a guarantee for a strong and stable euro.



Article by Javier Solana EU High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy on the occastion of the inauguration of the new president of Ukraine

With the inauguration of Viktor Yuschenko, Ukraine has entered a new era. The challenge ahead is to use this new chapter in Ukrainian history to build a stronger EU-Ukraine relationship. For both sides, now is a good time to reflect on how we can work together more effectively to achieve our common goals. The EU's position is clear: we believe that there are new and important opportunities to reinforce our ties even further. But we are also convinced that success will require hard work and commitment on both sides. In sum, the future quality of our relations will largely depend on the quality of Ukraine's democracy and domestic reforms.



Article by Benita Ferrero-Waldner, European Commissioner for External Relations and European Neighbourhood Policy on the occasion of the inauguration of the new president of Ukraine

The events leading to tomorrow’s Presidential inauguration will enter history as a milestone, not only for Ukraine, but also for its relations with the European Union. Recent events have shown the extent of your commitment to the democratic values on which Europe is based. Even before these events the EU was intending to upgrade its relations with Ukraine, but now it is clear that our relations have taken on a new resonance and that we may be able to move more quickly than we previously thought possible.



Commissioner Ferrero-Waldner at inauguration of President Yushchenko

Член Європейської Комісії з питань зовнішніх зносин і Європейської політики сусідства пані Беніта Ферреро-Вальднер візьме участь у церемонії інавгурації Президента України Віктора Ющенка, що відбудеться у неділю у м. Києві. Новообраний Президент України вступає на пост після переголосування другого туру виборів, які на думку міжнародних спостерігачів “значно наблизили” Україну до міжнародних стандартів вільних і чесних виборів. Європейська Комісія сподівається на співпрацю з новим Президентом України у напрямку поглиблення відносин між ЄС і Україною як у політичній, так і в економічній площині у рамках Європейської політики сусідства. Новий План дій, умови якого було обговорено з Україною, було схвалено як Європейською Комісією, так і Європейською Радою у грудні минулого року. Сьогодні, після того, як в країні відбулися демократичні вибори, впровадження Плану може розпочатися одразу ж як буде зроблено останні процедурні кроки.



Javier SOLANA, EU High Representative for the CFSP, to visit Ukraine

Javier SOLANA, EU High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP), is travelling to Kiev on Friday, 21 January, for a number of meetings with Ukrainian leaders. The visit will take place in the light of the official results of the Presidential elections held on 26 December 2004, and the inauguration scheduled for Sunday, 23 January.

The High Representative will have a lunch meeting with the President elect, Victor Yuschenko as well as meetings with the outgoing President, Leonid Kuchma, and the Speaker of the Parliament, Volodymyr Lytvyn.



European Commission to award grants to help implement European Integration projects at universities

The European Commission has launched a new call for projects under its Jean Monnet Action. It will award grants to help academic institutions implement European integration projects by setting up teaching activities and providing support for young researchers and research. Grants can be provided to projects at university level throughout the world, including in Ukraine.



“Establishment of an Agricultural Standards Certification and Control Mechanism in Line with WTO-SPS Requirements” project.

The European Union funded project “Establishment of an Agricultural Standards Certification and Control Mechanism in Line with WTO-SPS Requirements” organises an International Conference “WTO SPS compliance – a key requirement for development of trade in the Ukrainian agrarian sector”.



Benita Ferrero-Waldner, Member of the European Commission, Congratulates the President of Ukraine

Benita Ferrero-Waldner, Member of the European Commission, sent today a message of congratulations to the new President of Ukraine, Victor YUSCHENKO.



Josй Manuel Barroso, President of the European Commission, congratulates the President of Ukraine

Josй Manuel Barroso, President of the European Commission, sent a message of congratulations to the new President of Ukraine, Victor YUSCHENKO.



Javier Solana, EU High Representative for the CFSP, congratulates the President of Ukraine

Javier SOLANA, EU High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP), sent today a message of congratulations to the new President of Ukraine, Victor YUSCHENKO.

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