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Commissioner Louis Michel announces €117.25 million food aid boost (23/04/2008)

The European Commission plans to provide a further €117.25 million for food assistance as a response to the impact of the increase in food prices on the world's most vulnerable people.

Louis Michel, Commissioner for Development and Humanitarian Aid, said: "The rise in basic food prices is a worldwide humanitarian disaster in the making. Ongoing humanitarian food programmes are under enormous pressure with less food available for people already on the brink of starvation”.

“Addressing food price issue is a global challenge requiring long-term solutions but the emergency is now. We have an obligation to act and act quickly", the Commissioner added.


The latest humanitarian funding consists of €57.25 million taken from the existing food aid budget run by the Commission's Humanitarian Aid department, and a requested €60 million in new money.

Today's announcement of €117.25 million will raise the total humanitarian food aid budget so far in 2008 to €283.25 million.

Funds will be channelled directly or through the World Food Programme, other UN partners, non-governmental organisations and Red Cross/Crescent agencies. >>> more
