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The Euro & You


Advantages of the euro

The use of the euro in the world

Conversion rates

euro Coins

euro Banknotes

Recognizing the euro - security features

What are the advantages of the euro for citizens?

  • When travelling in the euro area

You only have to change money once; one currency is all you need now. For instance, when you visit a museum in Italy, you can pay the entrance fee using euro coins left over from your stay in Greece; you can buy a meal in France with euro banknotes you got from a cash dispenser in Spain; etc. All this will save both time and money.

  • When shopping in the euro area

Prices are displayed in the same currency; they are easier to compare and help you make the right choice.

  • When doing business with the euro area

There is no longer any risk of fluctuation between currencies. Interest and inflation rates are much lower. You buy, sell and borrow within a larger and more competitive market. Managing your business is easier and less expensive.

Advantages for Europe's international role

  • Having a single currency and an economic and monetary union strengthens Europe’s role in international fora and organisations like the International Monetary Fund, World Bank, and Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.

  • As a world currency, the euro is taking on an important role as an international investment and reserve currency.

  • The euro has already become a major currency in which to borrow money: issues of international securities denominated in euro now rival dollar issues.

  • Use of the euro in international trade is also expanding, reflecting Europe’s weight in the world economy.

  • A single currency makes Europe a strong partner to trade with and facilitates access to a genuine single market for foreign companies, who will benefit from lower costs of doing business in Europe.

  • The option of pricing goods and commodities in euro (such as oil and metals for example) will become more attractive over time.

  • Advantages for investors, who have access to larger and more liquid financial markets.
