Europa > The European Union in the World > Delegations [EN] - УКР
The European Commission's Delegation
to Ukraine
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Information Day - Media Activities: Maximising EU Presence in the ENP Region and ENPI Beneficiary Countries – 22 January 2008 in Kyiv

The Delegation of the European Commission to Ukraine and Belarus has the pleasure to invite all interested applicants to the Information Day on the following new call for proposals: Media Activities: Maximising EU Presence in the ENP Region and ENPI Beneficiary Countries (€11,5 mln in total). For more information on this call for proposals please visit this website:

The Information Day is intended for those organisations, institutions and companies which are considering their participation in this programme. This primarily concerns media outlets, media groups, journalists associations, independent internet providers, NGOs, PR agencies and companies. The purpose of the Information Day is to provide background information and answer possible questions on this particular call for proposals.

The Information Day for Ukraine and Belarus will take place from 10 am to 12 pm on January 22 at the EC Delegation (10 Kruhlouniversytetska St.) in Kyiv.

All those interested in participation are kindly requested to register by e-mail ( or by phone +380-44-390.8011 (ext. 109) or 380-44-390.8010 by January 15.
