Europa > The European Union in the World > Delegations [EN] - УКР
The European Commission's Delegation
to Ukraine
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Commissioner for External Relations and European Neighbourhood Policy, Benita Ferrero-Waldner said on recent developments in Ukraine (28/05/2007)

Brussels, 28 May 2007

"I welcome the agreement reached on holding parliamentary elections in Ukraine on 30 September. I am delighted that the political impasse of the past weeks has been solved at the negotiating table. I trust that the agreement will be a start of a constructive process that will lead towards holding democratic elections in accordance with international standards, and towards a true consolidation of democracy and the rule of law in Ukraine.

The re-establishment of political stability in Ukraine is fundamental for the continuation of the political and economic reform process in the country, and indeed for the strengthening and deepening of Ukraine's partnership with the EU.

In this context, I call upon all political forces in Ukraine to engage in an inclusive constitutional reform process, with a view to establishing a balanced constitutional system in Ukraine, with appropriate checks and balances."

Duty Spokesperson: Krisztina Nagy +32 0498 988663

