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European Information Bus Tour

European Information Bus Tour 2005

European Information Bus Tour 2004

European Information Bus Tour 2004

On the eve of EU enlargement (1 May 2004) the Delegation of the European Commission in Ukraine sent off its European Information Bus to 9 cities in Ukraine in order to communicate this historic event and to increase awareness on the new EU-Ukraine neighbourhood among Ukrainian citizens.

The tour lasted from 5 April to 4 May 2004 and included the cities of Chernihiv, Poltava, Luhansk, Donetsk, Dnipropetrovsk, Zaporozhie, Kherson, Mykolayiv and Lviv.

The “Information Team” travelling with the bus consisted of representatives of the European Commission and various EU embassies, Ukrainian journalists and volunteers.

Each stop in each city featured a full programme of various activities such as meetings of EU representatives with local authorities and media, street actions with music provided by Gala Radio (DJ Kid), visit of schools and universities, picture drawing contest “What Europe is for me”, documentary films about EU and Ukraine and meetings of local NGO’s members.

It was the first time that the EU Delegation used this type of street action to go out to the regions of Ukraine to distribute information about the European Union. All in all, 10.000 people came to visit the Information bus and to talk to the EU representatives. Thus, the bus tour also proofed to be a most valuable tool to exchange opinions with Ukrainian citizens and to find out what their concerns and questions are.

Enjoy the pictures!

DJ Kid from Gala Radio entertaining University students in Chernihiv with EU quizzes

Chernihiv University students

Henry Kol of the Royal Netherlands Embassy speaks to students

Marie Florence van Es of the Royal Netherlands Embassy with students in Donetsk


Former Ambassador of the EC Delegation, Norbert Jousten, on tour with the bus in Poltava

For further information please contact Anje Schubert, Press and Information Officer at the Delegation, Tel: (044) 253 3020.
