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Time to think about the Halloween party | LetrOdectUS


Hey guys! Hope you are all doing great. Recently I got a call from one Ternopil alumna (Vella or Wella, sorry don’t know how to spell correctly, she is from school #5, don’t know her last name), she asked me for some assistance, and I told her about our club and asked her if she would like to join. So guess we’ll have a new member at our next meeting.

So about our next meeting (Halloween!!!). We can either have the meeting at the party, actually no premeeting, just party, or we can have the meeting before the party to set everything up. In case we do not meet before the party, here is what we need to decide:


First of all we need to decide where we are going to have the party. The poll showed that the majority prefers to have a party at somebody’s place. So far I know 2 places where can meet - its either my place or Max’s and Kate’s place. If you have any other suggestions, or would like to host the party- let us know.


Second, I would really like us to have a costume party. Nothing fancy, but just some home-made costumes. I have found some costume ideas, hopefully you’ll find them useful. Some are pretty hard to make, but some are easy . And some more ideas here, just explanations, no photos. And some nice explanations here. Actually you can also google for the costume ideas.


I think we would all want to have some Halloween-spirit decorations around. Right? So I’ve got some ideas for those too. Unfortunately, there is almost no decoration stuff in the shops, so I’ll try to make some myself (like I did for Thanksgiving last year) - maybe get some printables, make a banner or smth like that. What I would like you guys to do is to bring some pumpkins. I’ve got some carving templates, feel free to use them: jack junior, pirate skull, catty night.

Cookies, foods and drinks.

You know I suck at cooking . But this year I decided to give my culinary talent a try and make something nice and tasty (well, if not tasty, I’ll at least try to make it nice-looking). Amy send me a recipe of chocolate-chip cookies, the American favorite, I know you all love them .

Some other things that I found are (I know they look impossible to make, but lets give it a try): Milk Chocolate Horror Pizza (really tuff), The Big Halloween Caramel Apple with Nuts, Halloween Caramel Apples, Personalized Halloween Cookies (those are pretty easy), Mini Halloween Cookies. So what do you say we throw a little contest? Who makes the best cookies? Lets not run after the flavor, but maybe the look? the design I mean? What do you think?

So here is the recipe of the Original Chocolate Chip Cookies (modified for Ukraine) from Amy (thanks!)

  • 200 grams butter, softened (For Chocolaty-Chocolate Chip Cookies, use chocolate butter.)
  • 1 ½ cups sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract or 1 packet vanilla sugar
  • 1 tablespoon honey
  • 2 ¼ cups flour
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 2 cups chocolate chips or 2 chocolate bars (broken into tiny pieces)
  • 1 cup chopped nuts (optional)

Preheat oven to 375 F / 190C. Mix butter, sugar, eggs, vanilla and honey. In separate bowl, mix flour, baking soda and salt. Add to butter mixture, slowly stirring in. Fold in chocolate and nuts, if desired. Then, on lightly greased cookie sheets, drop teaspoonfuls of batter. Bake for 7-9 minutes, or until golden brown. If the dough is too sticky after the first batch of cookies (resulting in too-flat, overly crisp cookies), incorporate an extra ¼ cup of flour into the cookie dough. Yields 5 dozen cookies.

Useful links and recipes:

  • 5 star Halloween recipe book (pdf)
  • Spider cupcakes
  • Spiderweb Pumpkin Cheesecake
  • Spiderweb Cheesecake
  • Bat Cupcakes
Підпишись! | Коментуй! (11)

11 “Time to think about the Halloween party”

  1. Lenka Сказав:


  2. Lenka Сказав:

    Але пліз прийдіть всі в костюмах. Це ж так весело!!!

  3. lesko Сказав:

    Прийдем до Лєни

  4. Usvityok Сказав:

    Нап”ємось і підемо на вулицях людей страхати До речі, а якщо пошуруємо до якогось клюбу, то так і будемо в костюмах? то треба якісь реально модні замутити;)

  5. letrodectus Сказав:

    хм, а це ще одна ідея до речі я колись зробила прикольний make up на хеловін з Ірою Мудрою - ми так по вулиці ходили - люди жахалися

  6. Usvityok Сказав:

    Я думаю, пушок би якусь смакоту спік, але вона не хоче тусуватись на паті з нами - розв”язними, цинічними і сексуально стурбованими:) Хто ж це все пектиме і помагатиме Яні? Я пас, краще бухло принесу, це моя фішка

  7. letrodectus Сказав:

    ну то шо бухло це твоя фішка це вже всі поняли
    А крім Пушка є ще Лєнко, Наталя, Марта, Максим з Катьо і новенька
    так що з голоду не помремо.
    до речі - не маєш контактів ново прибулих аламників?

  8. Usvityok Сказав:

    Я ні, а Юля може мати.
    До речі, а склад учасників підлягає розширенню в бік не-аламників?

  9. letrodectus Сказав:

    в нас нові плани на рахунок святкування - були вчора з Лєною в сауні і вирішили, що не треба ні до кого на хату йти, і свинячити там можна зняти сауну в глобусі (тільки в ГЛОБУСІ! інші варіанти навіть не пропонувати). чого в глобусі поясну в пості наступному. взагалі все поясню в наступному пості

  10. Halloween party UPDATE! | LetrOdectUS Сказав:

    [...] Time to think about the Halloween party [...]

  11. Новини FSA/FLEX Ternopil, Ukraine alumni з мого блогу | LetrOdectUS Сказав:

    [...] 2007-2008, Let’s go bowling!!, FLEX alumni meeting at Aligator (bowling and project discussion), Time to think about the Halloween party, Halloween party UPDATE!, Halloween is knocking on my door + Trick or Treat cartoon, Новини [...]
