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Subscribers - Send SMS
/ Send SMS
Send MMS

Send SMS

Indicate your addressee's operator:

Type a message up to   characters long:


characters remained:

Podarunky na!
This is MTS information
that will be added to your SMS


Please, enter security code from the picture:

Signature (max 10 symbols):

refresh window send SMS


If your handset offers option of Russian or Ukrainian languages, and you are wishing to get SMS-messages from Internet in Russian and Ukrainian, send an SMS message containing any text from your phone at 10108
Following your inquiry all SMS messages from Internet written in Russian and Ukrainian, will be delivered at your address in the language of the original message.
To reject the service, send again an SMS-message containing any text from your phone at 10108.
Cost of SMS-message sending on a number 10108 is standard, in obedience to your tariff package.
Detailed information