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All-porcelain bridges For your dental health

 All-porcelain bridges.

A tooth-colored bridge may be made of both porcelain and metal, or, thanks to newly available technology, it may be made entirely of porcelain.

Metal-and-porcelain bridges

In the past, porcelain bridges were always built upon a metal core. That was the only way they could have enough strength to withstand the tremendous biting forces that are exerted on all of your teeth. That metal core is what creates dark blue line at the edge of many bridges

 The benefits of all-porcelain bridges.

Recent breakthroughs in adhesives, combined with the development of stronger porcelain materials, allow us to make bridges entirely of porcelain. All-porcelain bridges maintain a translucency that makes them hard to tell from natural teeth. Without metal, the problem of a dark line at the end of the gums is eliminated. This allows us to place the edge of the bridge above the gumline, and that’s healthier for your teeth and gums.


When you want to improve your smile, all-porcelain bridges are a beautiful and natural looking choice.


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