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How to purchase painting and other arts in Lugansk Art Gallery - Paintings for sale art gallery - buy paintings, painting art for sale. Original paintings and other art works by famous ukrainian artists.

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How to buy paintings

If you decided to purchase some artwork from the Lugansk Art Gallery exposition, please do the following:

The process of purchasing is very simple:

  1. Click Buy link below the chosen artwork to go to Order page. Please fill all form fields and then click Send button to email the completed form to our address.
  2. Upon receipt of an email with your order, we contact you to confirm it by phone or email. Based upon the data submitted by you, we prepare information on cost of the order, date and other terms of delivery by several alternative methods.
  3. Then, we send you an email containing information on mode of payment and necessary details.
  4. Upon receipt of the specified amount of money to our account, we send or deliver you the purchased artwork (please, see Delivery page). The purchased goods will be sent to any of the addresses specified by you.
  5. Then, you will be entitled to a five day inspection period, when you may return the purchased artwork, if, due to some reason, you are not contented with it. We shall refund your purchase (Please, see Money Back Guarantee).

Buy paintings by simple click "BUY" button!

We may offer the following methods of payment:

– Credit Card Payments;
– Money Transfer to our bank account (from 3 to 7 days);
– PayPal;
– Western Union, MoneyGram;
– Pay by Bank Check.

1. Credit Card Payments
We guarantee that any money transfer made at is absolutely safe and secure. Security of online money transfers is ensured by Secure Sockets Layer (SSL).

2. You may transfer the money directly to our bank account, and such procedure will take from 3 to 7 days.

3. You may transfer the money to our PayPal address:

4. Payment with Western Union, MoneyGram is fastest and most convenient way of transferring money. The procedure will take only 15 minutes, and we receive the money as soon as in 1 hour. All operational expenses related to money transfer will be born by us.


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Our main target is full secrecy and protection of your information.

Safe Shopping Guarantees
We guarantee that any money transfer made at will be absolutely secure and protected.

Free Worldwide Delivery
Lugansk Art Gallery sends purchased works of art free to any country, if total purchase amount exceeds 500 USD.

Money Back Guarantee
Lugansk Art Gallery provides a possibility to refund your money within 5 days, if, due to some reason, you are not satisfied with your purchase. ensures safety of online purchasing-selling procedures.
Our email account at PayPal is
Secure Online Credit Cards
Western Union, Money Gram
Bank account
Bank Check
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