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Solutions for the Business & Industrial Markets Vertical
Google AdWords™ turns procurement managers & key business decision-makers into customers.

Your Customers Rely on Google

The next time you find yourself weighing media options for building awareness of your brand or driving lead generation and sales, consider the following:

   •  More business professionals, engineers, and senior executives prefer search over information portals or manufacturer websites when looking for information on business and industrial products and services online.1
   •  86% of industrial markets business professionals said that Google is their top choice of search.2
   •  Google users are more likely to request services and product information via phone number look-ups, office locators, content downloads, etc.3
Related links:
• Case Studies:
   Davison Design
   Fortune 500 Manufacturing
   Company New
   National Instruments New
   Surge Marketing
• Tips for Success
• Research:
   Professional Services

 Search is Used Throughout the Buying Cycle

Users searching for BtoB Technology solutions 57% use to become aware or learn more about new products and technologies 44% use to research solutions to determine product needs 52% use to compare product and service prices 50% use to select a product or brand
        Source: Media-Screen, September 2004

Google can help Business & Industrial marketers reach their brand awareness, lead generation and sales goals in a cost efficient manner. With AdWords, advertisers place their services, solutions and products' messaging across the web globally at the pivotal time when prospects are interested in their products and services. The power of the platform is an opportunity for relevant communication with in-market decision-makers and procurement managers across 80% of the web.4 Best of all, the Google AdWords platform is 100% accountable.

 Reach Across the Web

Google not only puts your business in front of users actively searching for information on and other search properties such as AskJeeves and, but also puts you in front of users surfing the web on topics relevant to your business on well-known sites such as the New York Times, and thousands of niche-relevant websites you would otherwise have difficulty finding on your own. Google helps advertisers connect to business and industrial decision makers across the globe and throughout the buying process at the most critical point when buyers and decision makers are most open to hearing about your business, products and services.

 Results-Driven Advertising

Google AdWords is the leader in cost-per-click keyword advertising because we offer a measurable, pay-for-performance solution that is 100% accountable. You determine your costs based on your own objectives. You set your own budget and pay only when people click on your ads. You get real time return on investment (ROI) with conversion tracking data. And you can modify or halt your campaign at any time.

Google search technology allows AdWords to target advertising to exactly the right prospects. Target your ads with pinpoint precision – in over 100 countries and 100 languages, as well as more than 200 precise regions within the United States.

When you weigh the options, Google AdWords is the best way to turn decision makers into customers – your customers.

Ready to sign up? Contact sales, click here to create your account or have one of our specialists design a campaign for you.

Sell your stuff on Froogle for free. Put Google search to work helping buyers find your products.

1 - The Role of Search in BtoB Buying Decisions," Enquiro and Marketing Sherpa, October 2004
2 - Media-Screen, May 2004
3 - "2005 Professional Services Survey," Media-Screen and GMI, March 2005
4 - Unduplicated reach of Google and Partner sites, based on Google analysis of comScore Media Metrix data, May 2005

Last updated December 2005.