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Inter+ TV-channel

August 08, 2007

Телебачення показу╓ свою кухню

Новини каналу   |   11.07.2007

Одна з найкращих програм телеканалу "К1" з'явилася в еф╕р╕ "╤нтер+", отже тепер ╖╖ можуть побачити глядач╕ вс╕╓╖ кра╖ни...

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Kostyantyn Stogniy

Militia lieutenant colonel, official of the Central Administrative Board of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Kyiv Kostyantyn Stogniy first appeared on air of Inter TV-channel in the "Vovremja" program...

Andrey Tsaplienko

Andrey is widely known as the author and inspirer of "N-kilometer" project...

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