


Useful links
Centre "Ukrchastotnaglyad"

The Ukrainian State Centre of Radio Frequencies -Centre "Ukrchastotnaglyad" is a specially authorized radio frequency body, acting as a State Telecommunications Inspection of Ukraine (STI) and belonging to the governing scope of Communications Administration of Ukraine, the powers of which are entrusted to the State Committee of Communications and Informatization of Ukraine.
Laws of Ukraine

"Laws of Ukraine" is just an information source and cannot be treated as an official publication.

Ukrainian Agency of Copyright and Related Rights
National Television and Broadcasting Council of Ukraine

The National Council is the constitutional, permanent extra-agency state authority accountable to the Supreme Council of Ukraine and the President of Ukraine. The National Council takes part in the implementation of the national policy of licensing the television and radio broadcasting, controls the efficient use of the national resource of radio frequencies and the adherence to license conditions by the television/radio organisations. The National Council is independent within the authority specified by the Constitution of Ukraine and laws of Ukraine and acts in the interest of the society.
State Committee for television and radio broadcasting of Ukraine

State Department of Intellectual Property

The Department is realizing, within its authorities, the uniform policy on economical, financial, scientific and technical as well as investment issues and elaborating proposals on its improvement based upon the results of analyzing the national intellectual property protection system’s activities.


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