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Strategy of Ukraine-NATO Relations: Retrospective Observation

Volodymyr GORBULIN, Assistant of the President of Ukraine on National
Security issues - Head of the National Centre of Euro-Atlantic
Integration of Ukraine, Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine,
Doctor of Technical Sciences

For the last couple of years military-political and socio-economic situation in the world gained qualitatively new features and continues to change incessantly. Irreconcilability of political, economic, ethnic, religious and other interests is enhanced by piling up and uncontrolled dissemination of weapons, R&T progress, that give a possibility to produce high-technology weapons, in particular, weapons of mass destruction with the purpose of threatening and making use of it in military conflicts.

International  terrorism,  threat of  carrying out wide-scale terrorist actions with the use of mass destruction weapons components rose before international society and every country the problem of implementing effective defensive policy as the component of the general national security. Given these conditions the Euro-Atlantic integration course of Ukraine is the priority and meets its national interests. It is caused by the role, which NATO plays it supporting peace, stability and security, improving the general climate of trust and creation of the new international security system.

History of Ukraine-NATO relations before 2002

Relations of independent Ukraine with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization already have their own history. Since our state joined the North Atlantic Cooperation Council in 1991, these relations have been constantly developing.

Consequently Ukraine has become one of the most active participants of peace keeping activity. Ukraine was the first among the CIS member-states to sign the frame document "Partnership for Peace" (1994) and give to NATO its Presentation document that defined political aims of the participation in this program. For the last few years due to the efforts of Ukrainian peace keeping forces our country was generally recognized and respected by the world society.

The signing of the Charter on a Distinctive Partnership between the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and Ukraine at NATO Summit in Madrid in July 1997 has become a crucial point in the development of relations with Alliance. By this document political commitment of the parties, work frames and content of the "Special Partnership" between parties are defined at the highest level. In particular, NATO member-states confirmed that they recognize the sovereignty and independence of Ukraine, its territorial integrity and inviolability of the borders and approve the chosen way of democratic development, economic prosperity and non-nuclear country status.

The Charter corresponds to Ukraine's declared strategy of more active integration into European and transatlantic structures. It has become a basis for consultations between Ukraine and NATO in the context of Euro-Atlantic security and stability in such spheres as averting conflicts, crisis management, peace keeping and humanitarian operations.

Madrid Summit lifted Ukraine-NATO cooperation to the new level, ensured official recognition of the role of independent, stable and democratic Ukraine in the European space. For the first time a special body -Ukraine-NATO Commission was established. The regular observing of the situation in cooperation and political consultations, that are performed within the frames of the meetings at the highest level (heads of the states and governments, ministers of Foreign affairs and Defense ministers), ambassadors, and also the meetings of the Military Committee Ukraine-NATO, bilateral measures of Ukraine-NATO with other committees and NATO structures has become an important element of the Special Partnership.

The State program of Ukraine's cooperation with NATO to 2001 was aimed at the realization of the principles, defined in Charter of Special Partnership between Ukraine and NATO.

With the purpose to foster the contacts between parties the Mission of Ukraine in NATO was established in NATO headquarters in Brussels in 1997, and Information and Documentation Center of NATO was established in Kyiv for more profound informing and interpretation of the new role of NATO and the tasks of the Special Partnership.

The specter of branches in Ukraine-NATO cooperation has broadened significantly. They are as follows - defense reform and civil control over the military forces, defense planning and drawing up the budget, conversion in defense industry and achieving concurrency, and other spheres of cooperation. In order to insure effective work in this direction the Joint Working Group Ukraine-NATO on defense reform, which became a forum of information exchange on defense branch issues, was established.

In April 1999 aiming at fostering Ukraine's participation in NATO Program "Partnership for Peace- and supporting country's efforts in carrying out the defense reform NATO Connection Office was established in Kyiv.

NATO's delegation visit to Kyiv in March 2000 has become a new impetus for Special Partnership between Ukraine and NATO. The Ukraine-NATO commission meeting in Kyiv (body, that directs the Partnership, first conducted its session in Kyiv) gave opportunity for 19 NATO member-states and Ukraine to revise the whole specter of cooperation. That was essential step of Ukraine toward Euro-Atlantic society. Shaping and adopting of the State program of cooperation of our country with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) for 2001-2003 by the Decree of the President of Ukraine in January 2001 started new stage in Ukraine-NATO relations development. General coordination and activity control of the government in definite spheres was conducted by the Council of National Security and Defense and on its instructions - by the State interdepartmental commission on Ukraine-NATO cooperation. At the same time the Institute of the national coordinators of Ukraine-NATO cooperation was founded as the special representative of ministries and departments that implement measures concerning cooperation in Euro-Atlantic vector.

Ukraine's strategy concerning the North Atlantic Treaty Organization

At the beginning of the XXI century the world had the opportunity to realize that NATO de facto turns into the collective security system in Europe. Russia, for instance, established a new form of cooperation - «the 20 format». Ukraine also realized the need in guaranteeing its national security via the close cooperation with the Alliance.

That is why the adoption of political decision "About Strategy of Ukraine concerning the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)» in May 2002 by the Council of National security and defense of Ukraine and corresponding Decree of the President of Ukraine by 8th of July 2002, according to which acquiring by Ukraine the membership in NATO defined as the priority, started the new stage in relations of our country with the Alliance. It can be considered as the natural regular step on the background of NATO's transformation from military-political into political-military organization, globalization of the world's security environment after September 11th 2001, realization of the strategy of NATO's expansion to the East.

These documents for the first time on the highest state level determined the internal political priorities and external political orientation, in other words -Ukraine's joining NATO. Adopted decisions put an end to lasting hesitations, abstentions and doubts, outlined complicated but concrete tasks for the corresponding government bodies.

Defining the Euro-Atlantic integration course as the priority and implementing it, Ukraine as integral part of Europe strives in cooperation with other European countries take part in shaping of European security system. Refusal to partake in such a system would have created a threat for our country to stay the periphery zone of the European integration processes.

Full membership in NATO also directly meets the national interests of Ukraine, since political strength and military power of the Alliance can ensure Ukraine's independence and integrity better than insecure status of outer blocked (or neutral) state.

Considering the stated arguments we can claim that for Ukraine Euro-Atlantic integration means more than just being a member of collective security system. Integration to NATO means entering the Euro-Atlantic security space with the countries we share human democratic values and principles. Ukraine's membership in NATO will open new economic prospects, lower financial risks level, improves investing climate. And this, in its turn, will foster economic development progress, increasing of the welfare of Ukrainian citizens.

The important event that gave impetus to Ukraine's relations with the Alliance was the conducting of parliamentary hearings about relations and cooperation between Ukraine and NATO that took place in October 2002. In the Resolution of the State Parliament of Ukraine (Verkhovna Rada) according to the results of the hearings the Euro-Atlantic integration of Ukraine was claimed to be a crucial factor of its national security strengthening, aimed at fostering the development of democratic institutions, civil society, protection of the human rights and freedoms, and thus meets the vital interests of Ukrainian people.

The Resolution in its inner sense became a legislative approbation of Ukraine's Euro-Atlantic course. It defined main factors of successful promotion of Ukraine in this direction and parliamentary hearings participants' recommendations concerning the acceleration of development and qualitative raising the level of relationship, deepening of Ukraine-NATO cooperation.

In particular, among significant factors of the course chosen are:

- reaching the concurrency between the membership preparation and political criteria and basic principles of the member-states of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, such as pluralistic democracy, law superiority, human rights keeping, and other corresponding  principles defined  in  Membership Plan of Actions;

- consequent,  effective and full  realization of the State program of Ukraine's cooperation with the North  Atlantic  Treaty  Organization   (NATO)  for 2001-2004, documents of bilateral cooperation of Ukraine with NATO;

- development and deepening of cooperation of Ukraine with NATO on the basis of integration strategy; widening of Ukraine's participation in the program "Partnership for Peace» and in Council of Euro-Atlantic partnership functioning; intensification of the process of Ukraine's preparation to NATO membership according to the Council of the National Security and Defense decision about "Strategy of Ukraine concerning the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)» and corresponding Decree of the President of Ukraine.The Parliament practically defined urgent and con crete measures of legislative and executive authorities concerning accelerating the course of the state to the Euro-Atlantic integration.

The activity of the State Parliament of Ukraine after the above mentioned resolution witnesses that strategic course on Euro-Atlantic integrator gains legal status, which influences increasingly both on external and internal policy of the state Legitimate guarantees of the process, in particular adoption of the laws such as the law «About basic principles of Ukraine's National Security» anc «About Democratic Civil Control on the Military Organization and Operative Forces of the State* prove that. In the first law Ukraine's integration intc European political, economic, legal space anc Euro-Atlantic security space are defined as the main priority of the national interests, and acquiring the membership in the European Union and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization is one of the main directions in the state policy of national security in the external policy sphere.

Ukrainian Parliament cooperates mutually with the Parliamentary Assembly of NATO (PA NATO). The associated membership of Ukraine in PA NATO gives the possibility to Ukrainian parliamentarians take part ir its functioning. Regular delegation of Verkhovna Radc of Ukraine to Assembly consists of six parliamentarians of Ukraine. Our delegates try to use the opportunities o this interparliamentary forum to promote the idea o Ukraine's integration to NATO in parliamentary circles of the Alliance member-states. Ukrainian parliamentarians work in the committees of the Assembly and participate in sessions as speakers of the committees. Such measures give chance in such a way influence PA NATO policy shaping, and thus the policy of the Alliance. Simultaneously the State Parliament and parliamentary committees in cooperation with executive power bodies, European and Ukrainian scientific centers and public organizations arrange different kinds of meetings - conferences, seminars, and «round tables», where actual matters of the chosen course realization are discussed. There is a transparent forming of the public mind, raising the professional level of the State parliament corps and officials who work in Ukraine-NATO relations sphere.

It is worth emphasizing that overwhelming majority of parliamentarians, political parties and movements, political elite, educated people take the idea of Ukraine's Euro-Atlantic integration positively.

Thus, approval of the Ukraine's Strategy toward the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, parliamentary hearings on relations and cooperation between Ukraine and NATO, activation of the Supreme Council activity on timely and proper legislative securing of the euro-atlantic integration process and increased efficiency of executive power actions evidence the irreversibility of Ukraine's course towards entering the Euroatlantic community.

Prague Summit of NATO in 2002

One of the most important events in the whole history of NATO, including the one of relations with Ukraine, was the Summit meeting in Prague in November 2002. The decisions taken in Prague were aimed at enlargement, transformation and enforcement of the Alliance in the period when the world faced new serious threats. In particular, was approved a measures package on broadening of NATO possibilities to resist the main present-day threats to security: terrorism and mass destruction weapons proliferation and means of their supply.

Seven European countries were invited to NATO, which undoubtedly contributed to achievement of a common goal of free integrated Europe. Accession of Ukraine's western neighbors to NATO, being a natural consequence of geopolitical changes on the continent, enhance the significance of its cooperation with NATO, including extension of bilateral relations with NATO member countries.

Adoption of the NATO-Ukraine Action Plan and the NATO-Ukraine Target plan for 2003 marked a new stage in realization of plans for euroatlantic integration of Ukraine. The NATO-Ukraine Action Plan is basically a long-term programme orienting at meeting European standards not only in defence but as well in political, economic, legal spheres and security issues. The document outlines strategic and medium-term objectives and priorities of Ukraine on its way to euro-atlantic integration.

The Action Plan consists of five chapters:

  • Political and economic issues.
  • Security and defence issues and military issues.
  • Protection and securing of information.
  • Legal issues.
  • Implementation mechanisms.

Each chapter (except for "Implementation mechanisms" chapter) identifies the main principles of Ukraine's policy in specific sphere and the objectives to achieve in order to bring the state closer to the standards of the Alliance member states.

Generally the Action Plan in its size, content, preparation procedures and implementation assessment is similar to the Membership Action Plan (MAP) that is to be elaborated by the countries invited to accede to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Its adoption in Prague speaks for real, not declarative NATO support of Ukraine's euro-atlantic integration.

The content of the Action Plan is based on interconsistent principles and 64 objectives. With the aim to achieving them, subject to Chapter 5, the annual Target Plans (TP) are developed. They define specific internal and joint NATO-Ukraine measures. It should be noted that that the great majority of these objectives, priorities and measures are not exceptionally of defence or military nature. They mainly include our own main principles of domestic and foreign policy, distribution of power among the authorities, reformation of thelegal  system,   strengthening  of  democracy  and market economy etc.

The Target Plan is based on internal measures most of which are parts of the state programmes and legal acts of Ukraine. The obligatory measures include conducting of political, economic, defence and justice reforms, securing of human rights respect, freedom of speech and press as well as holding of fair, free and open presidential elections in compliance with the international standards.

In accordance with the NATO-Ukraine Target Plan there has been completed one of its main arrangements, namely the Defence review in armed forces. With consideration of its results was prepared the Strategic defence bulletin of Ukraine for the period by 2015 presented to the NATO Headquarters and in Ukraine.

Issues dealt with in the Bulletin cover the whole of national security and state defence sphere and in a brief form generalize the judgement of Ukraine's defence policy development for the following 12 years. The document contains results of the profound analysis of current state of Ukraine's military formations and its fitting the present-day military and strategic situation as well as the ways of transformation of state defence system in conformity with its strategic national interests.

The implementation of target plans is marked by important achievements such as adoption of the Military Doctrine of Ukraine, ratification by the Supreme Council of the Memorandum on Mutual Understanding between the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and NATO OAF headquarters concerning assurance of NATO support of operations and signing of the Memorandum on utilization of Ukraine's transport aircraft during the NATO's operations and exercise.

Thus, the Action Plan and annual target plans are highly effective mechanisms that enable NATO to monitor the Ukraine's progress in a wide range of tasks related to preparation of its membership to this organization.

The state of implementation of NATO-Ukraine Target plans in years 2003 and 2004 speaks for our successful participation in the processes of euro-atlantic integration. Such assessment coincides with conclusions of the latest NATO-Ukraine Commission summit in Istanbul this June.

Analizing constant movement of Ukraine toward Euro-Atlantic integration we can but mention the role of those bodies that facilitate its implementation. The President of Ukraine Decree of 11   January 2003 established the National Center on Euro-Atlantic Integration of Ukraine.

This Advice body under the President of Ukraine became one of the main elements of the national vertical system of monitoring and cooperation coordination with the Alliance on the operational level. It's entrusted with the preparation of the proposition in strategic planning and implementation of the unified state policy on Euro-Atlantic integration. It works over the program projects concerning intensification of the Euro-Atlantic vector of this policy and organizes the work of national coordinators of the Ukraine-NATO cooperation.

The principal element of this system on the strategic level is the State Council on European and Euro-Atlantic integration, which was founded a bit earlier and is headed by the President of Ukraine. The main assignment of this structures is coordination of activities, which are aimed at realization of strategic goals of state policy concerning the ensure of Ukraine's joining the European political, economic, security and lawful aspects, creation of the conditions necessary for Ukraine's gaining the membership in NATO and EU.

It proves the coordinated efforts of the executive and legislative powers, their orientation towards fulfillment of commitments with the Ukraine - NATO partnership. In particular, the additional aspect of intensification of the Ukraine -NATO cooperation is the establishment of the Mutual work group in Defense field, which commenced its activity this year. There have been several steps made towards improvement of mutual work concerning modernization of armored equipment, including the provision of mutual suitability and its satisfying the NATO standards, towards realization of projects on safe storage, utilization of personnel mines and other ammunitions, extermination of conventional and small arms.

Appreciable are the results of educational programs on expanding the preparation of specialists in the sphere of civil-military relations, Ukraine -NATO consultations on military constructions, which are held in Ukraine by the members of the Alliance, and also opening of proper educational courses in educational institutions with the aim of qualification increase of the ministries and departments employees, engaged in the cooperation process between Ukraine and NATO.

Along with the verification of the undeniable achievements in the implementation of the Action Plan and annual target plans there exist problematic issues. They mainly deal with remarks concerning the organization of such work, however, consequently, it influences Ukraine - NATO relations in general.

Priority measure is still the cooperation improvement of corresponding ministries and departments of Ukraine with NATO representations in our country. According to the conclusions of our foreign colleagues, the Ministry of Defense is evaluated to be developing in a better direction: "considering the professional preparation, desire to solve problems in the shortest possible

National Center of Euro-Atlantic Integration of Ukraine is a consultative organ under the President of Ukraine and performs only monitoring functions.

Foreign Ministry of Ukraine holds no leverages of the process.

Governmental Committee on defence, military-industrial establishment and law-enforcing activity of Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine

which in accordance with the Resolution of Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of 24 February 2003 is entitled to consider issues of euro-atlantic integration of the state, is not engaged in NATO-Ukraine Action Plan issues.

National Security and Defence Council of Ukraine after the abolishment of the State Interagency Commission on Cooperation between Ukraine and NATO is not engaed into "NATO questions".

Ukraine's Commissioner on European and Euro-Atlantic Integration who in accordance with the Decree of President of Ukraine Ns169/2003 of 26 February 2003 is authorized to coordinate activity and measures aimed at euro-atlantic integration of Ukraine has no corresponding working body and is not involved in elaboration of the Target Plan.

time and with appropriate quality, it surpasses other "force" departments for several years».

The important direction of the Ukraine's Euro-Atlantic integration is the arrangement of relations and use of "active diplomacy" methods not only with the leaders of the NATO structures, but directly with the NATO member-states. Since they, according to the consensus principle, make decisions concerning invitation of new members to the Alliance. It's considered that it would be appropriate to change considerably the style of work with the representatives of the NATO member-states embassies in Ukraine, implement constant informational pressure concerning covering actual practical steps on the Ukraine's way to the Alliance membership.

The informational aspect of the Ukraine's policy realization concerning the membership in NATO still remains a problematic issue.

First, the efficiency of the «advertising» of the Euro-Atlantic integration strivings of Ukraine on the external political arena has to be increased by mean of stirring up the activity of Ukrainian embassies in the NATO member-states.

Second, there exists the obvious necessity to reinforce the information constituent of the European integration policy of Ukraine inside the country. First of all, it touches upon carrying out persevering suspended mutual work with mass media (published and electronic). Unfortunately, in this particular direction our activity is not yet perfect.

NATO Istanbul Summit 2004

The meeting of the NATO North Atlantic Council on the level of heads of states and governments of the Alliance member-states and the Ukraine - NATO Commission meeting on the highest level, which took place on the 28th and 29th of June, 2003 in Istanbul, were marked as very significant evens both for NATO and for the Ukraine - Alliance relations.

In the declaration concerning the results of the Summit was emphasized the fact of the increasing role of the transatlantic integration as the base for the collective defense system. It was also stressed on the expanding of the International forces promoting security in Afghanistan. The heads of the Alliance member-states consented to conclude the operation under the auspices of NATO in Bosnia and Herzegovina and supported a new EU mission in this country according to the UN mandate. It was noted that the presence of the International peacemaking contingent forces in Kosovo influences rather positively on the security and continuation of the political process in the region.

It was decided to intensify the NATO operation called "Active efforts" in the Mediterranean region. The Summit participants welcomed the offer concerning Ukraine's and Russia's participation in the operation and suggested "to scrutinize mutually together with NATO the details and conditions of the Ukraine's participation in this operations".

The issues of military cooperation, implementation of democratic reforms in our country and also the perspectives of the Ukraine - Alliance cooperation were discussed during the Ukraine - NATO Commission meeting. Leonid Kutchma confirmed the intensions to invite international observes, including the NATO observers, for the President elections, which will take place in October and He assured the creation of all necessary conditions for their work. The President emphasized our readiness to continue the cooperation with NATO in our mutual projects, which have already proved to be successful. The utilization of ammunition and conventional arms is one of the most important projects.

NATO Secretary General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer pointed out, that "the partnership between Ukraine and the Alliance is rather sound and is actively developing". He highly appraised the Ukraine's participation in peacemaking operations, approved the implementation of defense reform and also Ukraine's suggestions to adjoin the operation called "Active Efforts" in Mediterranean Sea. J.Scheffer said that the Heads of the NATO member-states expressed their gratitude to the Ukrainian party for supporting the Alliance in operations, providing with the military-transport aviation for conducting anti-terrorist operations under the aegis of the NATO. It was also stated that the member-states of the Alliance also encourage Ukraine's aspiration to become its new full member, but they believe that such membership requires more than just mere successful reforming of the Defense forces of Ukraine. It was emphasized that first of all it goes about devotion to high values, which are the basis of the Alliance's creation.

In general, the meeting of the Ukraine - NATO Commission at the highest level proved the strength and toler-ance of the relations between Ukraine and the North Atlantic Alliance and it also helped to defuse tension concerning issues of internal political situation in Ukraine, draw up perspectives of further closing in between our country and the NATO.

The main outcome of the meeting of the Ukraine - NATO Commission on the foreign ministers level, which will take place in Brussels in December, 2004 should be the decision concerning intensification of | Ukraine - NATO relations in the context of practical activity, aimed at attaining the country's compliance with the criteria of the Alliance membership.

To sum up, it should be mentioned, that the cooperation between Ukraine and NATO has been gaining more practical and effective features for the last time. The activity of mutual working groups Ukraine - NATO, which function under the auspices of the Ukraine - NATO Commission, formation of subdivisions in ministries and departments, which are directly responsible for the Euro-Atlantic integration, proves the creation of capable system of practical mechanisms of cooperation with the Alliance, which includes balanced means of program documents and activities with the further actions of experts and qualified specialists.

Specified actions of the state authorities concerning gaining the full membership in NATO prove that the alternatives of full Ukraine's integration into the European community really exist. Consequently, we should immediately make up our mind and organize our work in a proper way. Ministries and departments, which deal with the activity on the Euro-Atlantic area, will to work very hard. And perfect fulfillment of the Target Plan Ukraine - NATO for 2004 and qualitative planning for 2005 will become the basis of effective implementation of reforms and invitation to join the Alliance.