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DONBASS - Regional Mass Newspaper - OUR SUPPLEMENTS
Weekly "KHOZYAIN" will both tell you and show in pictures and illustrations:
  • How to get rich harvest in the orchard and garden;
  • How to repair a house, a flat, furniture, sanitary engineering, clothes, shoes;
  • How to build a house or a cottage;
  • How to profitably breed and keep cattle and poultry, deal with vine- growing and bee-keeping...
  • Newspaper "Khozyain" is a manual for efficient management, weekly enriched by hundred of advices!
Phone: (0622) 58-24-98
Subscription Index: 33817

"ZODIAC" - newspaper for those interested in:
  • Astrological prognosis and various horoscopes, fortune-telling and magic;
  • UFO and incredible cases, hypotheses and discoveries, healing and joga;
  • Folk customs, events and curious incidents, as well as a lot of amusing and interesting thing from our life and surrounding world;
  • The world of ancient truths, studied and incognizable phenomena, correlation and interaction of physical and spiritual origin.
Phone: (0622) 55-55-63
Subscription Index: 40162
Электронная версия:

In the newspaper "SPORT-ARENA" twice per one week you will find:
  • The freshest sports news;
  • Full details about the world of sports;
  • Interview to stars of sports and trainers.
Phone: (0622) 55-77-01
Subscription index: 22329
Электронная версия:
В газете "ЛАДЬЯ" дважды в месяц вы найдете:
  • Все о шахматах и шашках;
  • Настольные игры: карты, нарды, домино и др.;
  • Юмор и кроссворды;
  • Призовая игра с талоном.
Телефоны редакции: (0622)57-43-76, 55-24-82, 58-90-90
Подписной индекс: 23140
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