
As our customer, this site is provided to you to express your opinions, recommendations or suggestions to make these pages even better. All your information will be used only for internal needs of our company. We are particular about Security and Privacy of your information very much.

Our top priority is your satisfaction, so we would be very grateful for any helpful comments you send us, which could improve services we offer to our customers. Please, use this form below. Before writing us you can choose among eight topics you want to comment. When your feedback will be help full to our other clients, we will ask you to be displayed on this site. 

We will try to reply to all your comments you send us.

1BigEurope - LITTLE QUIZ

We appreciate if you evaluate our little quiz which give us useful statistical information for improving our services and how we impress with you.
It is not only important for us but mainly for you, for our customers, because your reaction which you provide to us in this form is just for your wellfare. So the quiz can give us worth information and proximite result about your satisfaction with our services. Five questions, five points - please, simply tick one of following points 1 – 5. One is the best, five is the worst.

If you are looking for specific information regarding our site, please visit our FAQ first.

In this table there are eight topics you can choose from. You needn´t choose just one topic to comment but more of them. For better orientation, please read the notes concerning each topic.



1.  Quantity/Quality of our pages
Do you think that this site offers you enough information you search?
Are the requested information you founded sufficient? What shoud we know?

2.  Design of our web site
Do you like design of this web – colours, pictures, type, page layout? Would you change something? Please inform us.

3.  Reservation process
As our customer, are you satisfied with the reservation process? Do you have any problem concerning your accommodation, your stay? What experience with staff behavior do you have?

4.  Suggestions/Changes
Do you have any suggestions how to improve this web? What kind of information at our home page do you miss? Tell us any thoughts you occure.

5.  Experience with our contract partners
What experience with our partners do you have? Are you satisfied with them?Let us know.

6.  Recommend hotel or travel services
Have you stayed in a pleasant hotel that we have not in our offer? Share your experience with us. What travel services  have you been satisfied with? What didn´t you like? What should improve?

7.  Your stay in the Central and Eastern Europe
What can you tell us about your stay? Have you been satisfied with its running? What did you attract? Disclose us your experience.

8.  Complaint
You can write us anything you don´t like, you aren´t satisfied with. If you have any comments to us, do not hesitate to tell us.

In case you didn´t choose any topic, doesn´t matter – you can think up your own topic. Write us any thought you want to share with us.

Feedback topic:

Your name:

Your e-mail:


Your message:

Please try to give us as much information as possible.
Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with us.

Contact us! We're here to help! More info

phone: +420 415 658 580
fax: +420 415 658 497
 Klára:  call, chat
 Katka:  call, chat

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Special price for bookings made
from 27.11  to 3.12.2006

DISCOUNT from rack rate

from 5* hotel
Premier Palace Hotel   -35%

from 4* hotel
Dnipro Hotel   -30%

from 3* hotel
Vozdvyzhensky Hotel   -20%

Favourite hotels according to number of reservations



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