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Ukraine single girls : An erotic diet
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An erotic diet

There are a lot of legends about aphrodisiacs - the ancient love potions which increase male virility and desire in females. Is this only a myth or do aphrodisiacs actually work?

Aphrodisiacs are not witchcraft potions, but ordinary substances and their combinations. Therefore, it is not your worthwhile to expect from them some radical solution to your intimate problems, but nevertheless sometimes they can achieve something useful. Aphrodisiacs possess double action. They stimulate the nervous system, increasing tone and sensitivity, and they simultaneously provide a necessary reserve of "fuel". They therefore enhance sexual relations and give them a more emotionally colored feeling, especially if you were already made tired by sex or work.

In spite of reduced effectiveness in comparison with the medical drugs, aphrodisiacs possess definite a advantage - they will not cause harm to your health, unless of course, you are not allergic to the substance being used. Aphrodisiacs do not possess a specific action which affects the sexual function, and therefore they can be used with equal success by men and women. The only difference in the "male" formulation consists of the larger content of proteins necessary for producing the seed, although addition of proteins will do no harm to women either.

Moreover, your erotic-culinary creation can be tried by the couple together, in contrast to the tablets, which are usually used secretly in order not to create the reputation of a man "with the problem". Aphrodisiacs can be used not only according to their "intended" prescription, but also when it is necessary for you to unwind and to rapidly restore work fitness. Nor should you be concerned about their high caloricity. Calories used in the composition of aphrodisiacs are not deposited in the body as fat, but are rapidly burned up with a large loss of energy through exercise.

Here are several simple and accessible "erotic" prescriptions.

Sea foods are natural aphrodisiacs. They contain a large quantity of vitamins and microcells, necessary for the work of the nervous system, and rapidly absorbed proteins. Try crab, shrimps, mussels or the legendary oysters. they must be Cooked for not more than two-three minutes, while oysters must not be cooked at all they are eaten in their raw condition.

Roe produces a good effect, and its not necessarily to use either the black or the red variety. Roe of any fish: trout, pike, perch or any fresh water species are not a bit worse for use in the "erotic" sense. The important thing is that it should not be very salty.

For someone with a sweet tooth I recommend trying a cocktail from the raw egg yolks and honey, into which it is necessary to add a teaspoon of instant coffee. Coffee possesses the stimulating action, while honey and egg yolk will provide you with the necessary energy.

To those who prefer more traditional kitchen tastes, I can suggest a strong, warm and non-fatty meat or chicken broth with the addition of pepper and celery. Sharp seasonings excite nervous system, and celery improves the tone of vessels and improves blood circulation.

You can use your own imagination on the erotic- culinary theme and invent your own aphrodisiac recipe from the most wide variety of foods. The primary requirements for them are - to be light on the digestive system, nourishing and prepared with the love.

Perhaps, the most debatable question on the "erotic" menu is the alcoholic beverages. In small doses alcohol actually possesses the stimulating action and dilates blood vessels, but soon the byproducts resultant from alcohol's disintegration begin to impede the nervous processes, and, as a result, decreases the erogenous sensitivity and excitability. You can drink a glass of cognac or a glass of light wine, but not more. One should be especially carefully with beer, even non-alcoholic. The hops, used in its composition, possesses the dampening and weakening action. Because of this, beer contributes to unhurried heart-to-heart talks, but not in any way to amorous exploits.

However the strongest "aphrodisiac" remains love, mutual desire or at least sympathy. If you are not attracted to a partner or there are problems between you - neither oysters nor a Spanish fly will help.

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