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A Secret to My Success

by Bob Baker

Would you like to know one of the secrets to my success?

I learned long ago that positive, successful, empowered people do certain things a little differently than the majority of people. One of these things I started doing years ago, before I even knew it was a secret to success. I just naturally (and accidentally) gravitated toward doing it.

It's a powerful thing. In fact, I believe it is one of the biggest reasons I've accomplished so many cool things in my life: becoming a published author, releasing three independent music releases, publishing a music magazine, becoming recognized as a top source for indie music marketing ideas, and more.

So ... what's the secret?

It's simple, and something you can start doing right now to empower yourself. Here it is: Regularly feed your mind with positive messages, useful information and mind-expanding ideas.

I told you it was simple, but doing it makes all the difference in the world. Let me explain ...

Our brains need constant stimulation to stay flexible and focused on reaching our goals. Think of it as a fitness program for your mind. You need to exercise regularly to keep your body in shape, right? The same thing applies to your brain, soul and spirit.

But there's one more secret ...

One way to feed your mind is with books, and I hope you do that (whether you read my books or anyone else's). But the best way I've found to keep mentally fit is to soak up a lot of this great info with your ears. That's why over the years I've built a growing personal library of audio programs covering everything from marketing, sales and publicity to health, wealth and spirituality.

By regularly feeding my mind with these ideas, I get energized and stay on top of the things I want to accomplish.

And best yet ... audio is one of the most convenient ways to absorb great ideas. I listen a lot while I drive, turning my car into an intensive workshop on wheels. I also listen at home while exercising or working around the house or before going to bed at night.

I encourage you to do the same thing!

So, where do you start? What are the best titles to add to your personal success library? Only you can answer that question with certainty. But here are some titles that have inspired me that I suggest you consider:

  • Awaken the Giant Within by Anthony Robbins
  • How to Be a No-Limit Person by Wayne Dyer
  • Lead the Field by Earl Nightingale
  • Creative Visualization by Shakti Gawain
  • Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
  • Goals: Setting and Achieving Them on Schedule by Zig Ziglar

I'm so sold on the audio format, I've made a vow to release more of my own material in this format. I'm kicking myself for not doing more of this sooner. I think more music people should benefit from this "secret to success." Therefore, I also recommend you take a look at (and listen to) these new titles:

  • What Every Musician Should Know About Self-Promotion
  • Guerrilla Music Marketing LIVE: The Independent Path to a Successful Music Career

Your ears are powerful. They not only enable you to hear and enjoy music and voice and the sounds of nature. They also serve as an entry point for great ideas that can inspire you to greater heights and achievements.

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Bob Baker is the author of "Guerrilla Music Marketing Handbook," "Unleash the Artist Within" and "Branding Yourself Online." He also publishes, a web site and e-zine that deliver marketing tips, self-promotion ideas and other empowering messages to music people of all kinds. Get your FREE subscription to Bob's e-zine by visiting today.

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